According to Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS for short), Jesus is the begotten offspring of an exalted man and one of his many wives who lives on a planet circling a star named Kolob, and his “gospel” is the message of how you, too, can be exalted to godhood.
Christ’s full deity is denied by this group, and the “god” they worship is not eternal but merely an exalted man who has achieved godhood by obeying certain laws. Fundamentally, Mormonism is one of the most polytheistic religions in existence. Christianity is entirely mono-theistic, proclaiming that there is only one God, eternally existent in three Divine Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mormonism worships a different god, follows a different christ, and proclaims a different gospel from authentic New Testament Christianity. There should be absolutely no doubt on this issue – Mormonism and Christianity are not in any way compatible. Continue reading