Quotes to Ponder (117)

“Christ is the one eternal High Priest; therefore, those who vaunt themselves as high priests oppose the honor and power of Christ.” – Ulrich Zwingli, Swiss Reformer

“Bring them to church. Saturate their lives with the Word of God. Even if they lay on the floor. Even if they need 437 goldfish and a sucker to be quiet. Even if you stand in the back swaying back and forth holding them. Even when it’s hard. Even when your row looks like a small hurricane just came through. Bring them to church. Let them see you worship. Let them see you pray. Let them see you running toward the Savior … because if they don’t see and learn these things from you, who are they going to learn them from? The world will teach them it’s not a priority. The world will teach them it’s okay to lay out, not to pick up their Bibles. The world will direct them so far off course, confuse them, and misinform them that just being ‘good’ is enough. The world won’t teach them about Jesus. That’s our job.” – Tom Manuel

“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.” – John Wesley

“Whenever the Lord shuts his sacred mouth, [the Christian] also desists from inquiry. The best rule of sobriety is, not only in learning to follow wherever God leads, but also when he makes an end of teaching, to cease also from wishing to be wise.” – John Calvin, Institutes, Book 4. Ch 21. Sec 3

“To me, Calvinism means the placing of the eternal God at the head of all things. I look at everything through its relation to God’s glory. I see God first, and man far down in the list . . . Brethren, if we live in sympathy with God, we delight to hear Him say, ‘I am God, and there is none else.’” – Charles Spurgeon from “An All Round Ministry,” 337

“You may spoil the gospel by disproportion. You have only to attach an exaggerated importance to the secondary things of Christianity, and a diminished importance to the first things and the mischief is done. Once alter the proportion of the parts of truth, truth soon becomes downright error! Do this, either directly, or indirectly, and your religion ceases to be Evangelical.” – J. C. Ryle

“If Christ did so buy them, and lay out the price of His precious blood for them, and then at last deny that He ever knew them, might they not well reply, ‘Ah, Lord! was not Your soul heavy unto death for our sakes? Did You not for us undergo that wrath that made You sweat drops of blood? Did You not bathe Yourself in Your own blood, that our blood might be spared? Did You not sanctify Yourself to be an offering for us as [much] as for any of Your apostles? Was not Your precious blood—by stripes, by sweat, by nails, by thorns, by spear—poured out for us? Did You not remember us when You hung upon the cross? And now do You say, You never knew us? Good Lord, though we be unworthy sinners, yet Your own blood does not deserved to be despised. Why is it that none can lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? Is it not because You die for them [Romans 8]? And did You not do the same for us [according to a universal atonement]? Why, then, are we thus charged, thus rejected? Could not Your blood satisfy Your Father, but we ourselves must be punished? Could not justice content itself with that sacrifice…?’” (291) John Owen – The Death of Death in the Death of Christ

“I preach the doctrines of grace because I believe them to be true; because I see them in the Scriptures; because my experience endears them to me; and because I see the holy result of them in the lives of believers. I confess they are none the less dear to me because the advanced school despises them: their censures are to me a commendation. I confess also that I should never think the better of a doctrine because it was said to be ‘new.; Those truths which have enlightened so many ages appear to me to be ordained to remain throughout eternity. The doctrine which I preach is that of the Puritans: it is the doctrine of Calvin, the doctrine of Augustine, the doctrine of Paul, the doctrine of the Holy Ghost. The Author and Finisher of our faith Himself taught most blessed truth which well agreed with Paul’s declaration, ‘By grace are ye saved.’ The doctrine of grace is the substance of the testimony of Jesus.”

[C. H. Spurgeon, C. H. Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Compiled from His Diary, Letters, and Records, by His Wife and His Private Secretary, 1854–1860, vol. 2 (Chicago; New York; Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1899), 87.]

“An over-popular definition of holiness is ‘set apart.’ Ask a group of Christians to define holiness, and many will say just those two words: ‘set apart.’ A better and more full-orbed Biblical definition is, ‘Set apart to the ownership and service of God.'” – Dan Phillips

A good reminder on justification from Obadiah Sedgwick:

Believers have immunity or freedom from being justified by the Law, from all legal judgments for life. Although you are not free from the Law as a guide for life, you are free from the Law as a Covenant of life. While you are not free from the Law as it reflects the good and holy will of God, you are free from the Law as a means of salvation and justification because you are under the Covenant of grace. The Covenant of grace removes you from the court and bar that pronounces life based on your own good deeds and death based on your own evil deeds; Romans 3:28, “We conclude that a person is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law.” Galatians 3:11, “No one is justified by the Law in the sight of God, for the just shall live by faith.”

As the Law demands perfect and personal righteousness of our own, it won’t justify or give life to you unless it finds that righteousness within you; you don’t live if you aren’t perfectly righteous; absolution is pronounced upon your own perfect innocence, and condemnation is pronounced upon any defect or breach. Truly, in this regard, no living person can or will be justified; therefore, there is comfort in knowing that, being in Christ and in this Covenant of grace, you are justified from all things from which you couldn’t be justified by the Law of Moses; see the Apostle in Acts 13:39. Your life doesn’t depend on your own righteousness now, but on the righteousness of Christ; nor does it rely on your own deeds, but on Christ’s obedience. Luther’s expression is excellent: “Though my works have been very good, it is not those but Christ who justifies me; and though my works have been very bad, the righteousness of Christ can and will justify me; my evil deeds will not condemn me, and my good deeds cannot acquit me; it is Christ, it is Christ, and not the Law that justifies me.”

  • Obadiah Sedgwick, The Bowels of Tender Mercy Sealed in the Everlasting Covenant (London: Printed by Edward Mottershed, for Adoniram Byfield, 1661), 81.

Quotes to Ponder (116)

“Much of the evangelical preaching with which I am familiar inspires neither a terror of God’s righteousness nor praise for the depths of God’s grace in His gift of righteousness.” – Dr. Michael Horton

“You must not judge your life by your past messes but by Christ’s present graces.” – Dr. Sam Waldron

“To love the doctrines of grace is to love God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.” – Richard Phillips

“We shall all do well to remember the charge: ‘Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is.’ (Heb. 10:25). Never to be absent from God’s house on Sundays, without good reason – never to miss the Lord’s Supper when administered in our own congregation – never to let our place be empty when means of grace are going on, this is one way to be a growing and prosperous Christian. The very sermon that we needlessly miss, may contain a precious word in season for our souls. The very assembly for prayer and praise from which we stay away, may be the very gathering that would have cheered, established, and revived our hearts. We know very little how dependent our spiritual health is on little, regular, habitual helps, and how much we suffer if we miss our medicine.” – J. C. Ryle

“Happy are they, who in the matter of marriage observe three rules: The first is to marry only in the Lord, and after prayer for God’s approval and blessing. The second is not to expect too much from their partners, and to remember that marriage is, after all, the union of two sinners, and not of two angels. The third rule is to strive first and foremost for one another’s sanctification. The more holy married people are, the happier they are.” – J. C. Ryle

“The trouble with all false evangelism is that it does not start with doctrine, it does not start by realising man’s condition… If you and I realised that every man who is yet a sinner is absolutely dominated by the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience, if we only understood that he is really a child of wrath and dead in trespasses and sins, we would realise that only one power can deal with such an individual, and that is the power of God, the power of the Holy Spirit. And so we would put our confidence, not in man-made organisations, but in the power of God, in the prayer that holds on to God and asks for revival and a descent of the Spirit. We would realise that nothing else can do it. We can change men superficially, we can win men to our side and to our party, we can persuade them to join a church, but we can never raise the spiritually dead; God alone can do that.” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“Faith is nothing but the instrument of our salvation. Nowhere in Scripture will you find that we are justified because of our faith; nowhere in Scripture will you find that we are justified on account of our faith. The Scripture says that we are justified by faith or through faith. Faith is nothing but the instrument or the channel by which this righteousness of God in Christ becomes ours. It is not faith that saves us. What saves us is the Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect work. It is the death of Christ upon Calvary’s Cross that saves us. It is His perfect life that saves us. It is His appealing on our behalf in the presence of God that saves us. It is God putting Christ’s righteousness to our account that saves us. That is the righteousness that saves; faith is but the channel and the instrument by which His righteousness becomes mine. The righteousness is entirely Christ’s. My faith is not my righteousness and I must never think of faith as righteousness. Faith is nothing but that which links us to the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness.” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“An ambassador is not a man who voices his own thoughts or his own opinions or views, or his own desires. The very essence of the position of the ambassador is that he is a man who has been sent to speak for somebody else. He is the speaker for his Government or his President or his King or Emperor, or whatever form of government his country may have. He is not a man who speculates and gives his own views and ideas. He is the bearer of a message, he is commissioned to do this, he is sent to do this; and that is what he must do. In other words, the content of the sermon is what is called in the New Testament ‘The Word’. ‘Preach the word’, or ‘preach the Gospel’, or ‘the whole counsel of God.’ That being interpreted means the message of the Bible, the message of the Scriptures.” – MLJ, pg 61, ‘Preaching and Preachers’

“My God, I have never thanked you for my thorn! I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorn. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to you by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow.” – George Matheson // “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses” (2 Cor. 12:9).

“When the devil accuses us and says, ‘You are a sinner and therefore damned,’ we should answer, ‘Because you say I am a sinner, I will be righteous and saved.’ ‘No,’ says the devil, ‘you will be damned.’ And I reply, ‘No, for I fly to Christ, who gave himself for my sins. Satan, you will not prevail against me when you try to terrify me by setting forth the greatness of my sins and try to bring me into heaviness, distrust, despair, hatred, contempt and blasphemy against God. On the contrary, when you say I am a sinner, you give me armor and weapons against yourself, so that with your own sword I may cut your throat and tread you under my feet, for Christ died for sinners. . . . As often as you object that I am a sinner, so often you remind me of the benefit of Christ my Redeemer, on whose shoulders, and not on mine, lie all my sins. So when you say I am a sinner, you do not terrify me but comfort me immeasurably.’” – Martin Luther, commenting on Galatians 1:4, “. . . the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins.”

“Life, death, hell and world’s unknown may hang on the preaching and hearing of a sermon.” – C. H. Spurgeon (So please pray for your pastor)

“When you get to heaven, you will not complain of the way by which the Lord brought you.” – John Newton

“One of the most counter-cultural things you can do is become an engaged member of a faithful local church.” – David Mathis

“Hell is eternity in the presence of God. Heaven is eternity in the presence of God with a Mediator.” – Roderick A. Finlayson

“We persevere because we are preserved by our High Priest’s intercession.” – R.C. Sproul

“The realization that my daily relationship with God is based on the infinite merit of Christ instead of on my own performance is a very freeing and joyous experience. But it is not meant to be a one-time experience; the truth needs to be reaffirmed daily.” – Jerry Bridges

“God is the owner; we are stewards. We need to adopt a steward’s mentality toward the assets He has entrusted – not given – to us. Stewards manage assets for the owner’s benefit. Stewards carry no sense of entitlement to the assets they manage. It’s the steward’s job to find out what the owner wants done with his assets, then carry out his will.” – Randy Alcorn

“From every little village in England—it does not matter where it is—there is sure to be a road to London. Though there may not be a road to certain other places, there is certain to be a road to London. Now, from every text in the Bible there is a road to Jesus Christ…” – C. H. Spurgeon

“He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave.” – Matthew Henry

“Historic confessions and creeds protect the Church from foolish ‘cereal aisle’ autonomy. The Spirit who authored Scripture has through the years drawn the Church to understand it, and the great Church confessions greatly aid us in employing faithful hermeneutics. We are not advocating a paper pope, but a biblically grounded confidence in the historic analogy of faith. God is able to reveal clearly in his Word precisely what he wishes – not only to this generation, but consistently over the entire life of the Church.” – David B. Garner

“Let the man who would hear God speak read Holy Scripture.” – Martin Luther

“My God, I have never thanked you for my thorn! I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorn. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to you by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow.” – George Matheson // “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses” (2 Cor. 12:9).

“The Word of God can take care of itself, and will do so if we preach it, and cease defending it. See you that lion. They have caged him for his preservation; shut him up behind iron bars to secure him from his foes! See how a band of armed men have gathered together to protect the lion. What a clatter they make with their swords and spears! These mighty men are intent upon defending a lion. O fools, and slow of heart! Open that door! Let the lord of the forest come forth free. Who will dare to encounter him? What does he want with your guardian care? Let the pure gospel go forth in all its lion-like majesty, and it will soon clear its own way and ease itself of its adversaries.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“A company of mean-spirited, wicked men, who are no bigger than bees, mentally or spiritually, can get together, and sting a good man in a thousand places, till he is well-nigh maddened by their scorn, their ridicule, their slander, and their misrepresentation. Their very littleness gives them the power to wound with impunity. Such has been the experience of some of us, especially in days now happily past. For one, I can say, I grew inured to falsehood and spite. The stings at last caused me no more pain than if I had been made of iron, but at first they were galling enough. Do not be surprised, dear friends, if you have the same experience, and if it comes, count it no strange thing, for in this way the saints have been treated in all time. Thank God, the wounds are not fatal, nor of long continuance! Time brings ease, and use creates hardihood. No real harm has come to any of us who have run the gauntlet of abuse; not even a bruise remains.” – C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography, Vol 1, pp. 304-05

“That I am drawing breath this morning is an act of divine mercy. God owes me nothing. I owe Him everything.” – R.C. Sproul

“We find Christ in all the Scriptures. In the Old Testament He is predicted, in the Gospels He is revealed, in Acts He is preached, in the epistles He is explained, and in Revelation He is expected.” – Alistair Begg

“Before Calvary, Christ was represented by way of a blood-shedding ritual on an altar; after Calvary, he is represented by a blood-less feast at a table.” – Derek Thomas

Quotes on the Word

“When the canon closed on the OT [Old Testament] after the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, there followed four hundred ‘silent years’ when no prophet spoke God’s revelation in any form. That silence was broken by John the Baptist as God spoke once more prior to the NT [New Testament] age. God then moved various men to record the books of the NT, and the last of these was Revelation, also the last book in our Bibles. By the second century A.D., the complete canon, exactly as we have it today was popularly recognized. Church councils in the fourth century verified and made official what the church has universally affirmed: that the sixty-six books in our Bible are the only true Scripture inspired by God. The canon is complete. Just as the close of the OT canon was followed by silence, so the close of the NT has been followed by the utter absence of new revelation in any form. Since the book of Revelation was completed, no new written or verbal prophecy has ever been universally recognized by Christians as divine truth from God.” – John MacArthur, Does God Still Give Revelation, TMS Journal

“An ambassador is not a man who voices his own thoughts or his own opinions or views, or his own desires. The very essence of the position of the ambassador is that he is a man who has been sent to speak for somebody else. He is the speaker for his Government or his President or his King or Emperor, or whatever form of government his country may have. He is not a man who speculates and gives his own views and ideas. He is the bearer of a message, he is commissioned to do this, he is sent to do this; and that is what he must do. In other words, the content of the sermon is what is called in the New Testament ‘The Word’. ‘Preach the word’, or ‘preach the Gospel’, or ‘the whole counsel of God.’ That being interpreted means the message of the Bible, the message of the Scriptures.” – Martyn Lloyd Jones

“Let the man who would hear God speak read Holy Scripture.” – Martin Luther

“The Word of God can take care of itself, and will do so if we preach it, and cease defending it. See you that lion. They have caged him for his preservation; shut him up behind iron bars to secure him from his foes! See how a band of armed men have gathered together to protect the lion. What a clatter they make with their swords and spears! These mighty men are intent upon defending a lion. O fools, and slow of heart! Open that door! Let the lord of the forest come forth free. Who will dare to encounter him? What does he want with your guardian care? Let the pure gospel go forth in all its lion-like majesty, and it will soon clear its own way and ease itself of its adversaries.” – C. H. Spurgeon

Quotes to Ponder (115)

“The content of the Christian faith does not continually change. “…that which is true is not new, and that which is new is not true.” – Robert Schindler (March 1887, Sword and Trowel)

“One person who might think poorly of her witness is a woman whose words were instrumental in my own salvation. I do not know her name and doubt I could recognize her. One day, as I moved into an apartment, she was moving out next door. I carried one box of books to her car. After thanking me, she asked whether I was looking for a church to attend. My body language made it clear that I did not appreciate the question. So she quickly stammered, “If you are ever looking for a church, I would recommend this particular church a few blocks away.” With that, she drove off and I never saw her again. I have often imagined her kicking herself for her weak attempt to witness. But a few months later, when the Holy Spirit had prepared a way for the Lord into my heart, I remembered her words, went to that church, and hearing the gospel there, I believed and was saved.” – Rick Phillips, Pastor and Author

“Staying how to ‘watch church’ is like staying home from a friend’s wedding to watch the ceremony virtually. And keep your wedding gift with you. Your presence and solidarity and love and hugs and eye contact and singing are needed. It’s not just about passively receiving something. It’s about being an embodied part of the celebration. The whole event is diminished by your absence. And you have a gift to give.” – Dane Ortlund

“In a universe governed by God there are no chance events. Indeed, there is no such thing as chance. Chance does not exist. It is merely a word we use to describe mathematical possibilities. But chance itself has no power because it has no being. Chance is not an entity that can influence reality. Chance is not a thing. It is nothing.” – R.C. Sproul

“The notion that God in His sovereignty created a being free from His decrees is absolute nonsense. He can no more cede part of His sovereignty than He can cede part of His holiness, righteousness, wisdom or power. Sovereignty isn’t just a thing He does; it is who He is. If there is a being who can thwart God, that can prevent Him from doing what He has determined to do, then that being is God,and must be worshiped. Not God. But this is all folly, a pathetic attempt to whittle the living God down to a more domesticated and manageable size.” – Dan Phillips

“The whole basis for our relationship with God is rooted and grounded in grace, in that which is not earned.” —R.C. Sproul

“I really think that’s the central unique factor of Reformed theology; it is that it’s relentlessly committed to maintain the purity of the doctrine of God through every other element of our theology.” – R.C. Sproul

“If there really was a worldwide flood, what would the evidence be? Billions of dead things buried in rock players laid down by water, all over the earth. What do we find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water, all over the earth.” – Ken Ham

“He who has the sore toes goes.” – Anonymous, see Matt. 18:15-20

“Whenever we ask God for something, He either gives us what we ask Him for, or He gives us something BETTER!!” – Geoff Thomas

“Every church website has a navigation button that says, in effect, ‘What we believe.’ Though created in the last millisecond of church history, and not subject to public scrutiny, all these, in principle, are confessions of faith. When a church can cook up a confession of faith and make it public on its website without the comprehensive collaboration of the greatest theological minds, we are intensely vulnerable. In such a momentary and fragmented confessional climate, generational vigilance against the Enemy’s schemes to corrupt the pure doctrine of the gospel is almost destroyed. We institutionalize a single-generation Christianity – at best – and I suspect the Enemy gives us rousing applause for doing it.” – Douglas Bond

“If we only ever sing about our feelings for God, we’ll tend to worship our worship and be passionate about our passion.” – Bob Kauflin

“We need more Church members like Martin Luther who only found 95 things wrong with his Church.” – Anonymous

“The real test of any man’s orthodoxy is what he actually teaches, not the statement of faith he signs.” – Phil Johnson

“No man by nature and left to himself has ever sought God…If you and I can claim as Christian people that we are seeking God, there is only one explanation for it, and that is that God has first sought us…Show me a man who can say honestly that he is seeking after God, and I will show you a man who has been quickened by God’s Spirit, whom God has sought.” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“The price of victory is constant vigilance. Yes, there is grace to cover all our sin; but that grace leads us to mortify it, not to tolerate it.” – Sinclair Ferguson

“As a fire is a better source of heat than a stone that has been warmed, because fire is heat, but a stone has only been heated, and as gold is better than something covered in gold, because gold is gold, but something gilded can have its glittering exterior removed, so God’s attributes are not qualities that are different from God; God is his attributes. All things composed are imperfect. Divine simplicity, therefore, protects the pure perfection of God and protects his name, I AM WHO I AM.” – Samuel Renihan

“Look in a biology book and you’ll soon discover Darwinists are experts at drawing things that never existed to support their theory that never took place. You’ll see pages adorned with neat drawings of fish evolving into amphibians, or of reptiles evolving into birds, etc. Yet none of these are backed by observable evidence. The fact is, if you took away their box of crayons, Darwinists wouldn’t have anything to show. The bottom line is this: Put your trust in the Word of God; Word for Word and cover to cover!” – Russ Miller

“The doctrine of the sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures declares that everything necessary for saving faith and spiritual life is taught in the Bible. There is no warrant or need for the church to base its doctrine or directives on anything else, be it church tradition, the opinions of men, or the wisdom of this world.” – Beeke and Smalley, I. 396

“Christ reigns whenever he subdues the world to Himself by the preaching of His word.” – John Calvin

“The pastor ought to have two voices: one, for gathering the sheep; and another, for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both.” – John Calvin

“For the rule of our faith and religion, we wish to follow the Scripture alone, without mixing with it any other thing which might be fabricated by the interpretation of men apart from the Word of God; and we do not pretend to receive any other doctrine for our spiritual government than that which is taught us by the same Word, without addition or reduction, according to the command of our Lord.” – The Geneva Confession 1536/1537).

“The church is not an institution for perfect people. It is a sanctuary for sinners saved by grace, a nursery for God’s sweet children to be nurtured and grow strong. It is the fold for Christ’s sheep, the home for Christ’s family. The church is the dearest place on earth.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.” – Samuel Chadwick

“The Church does not determine what the Bible teaches. The Bible determines what the Church must teach.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“While recognizing the potential errancy of human traditions and the importance of sola Scriptura, heirs of the Reformation demonstrated attentiveness to tradition by, for instance, robustly affirming the trinitarian theology and Christology articulated in the first ecumenical creeds. And even when a particular doctrine or practice was deemed unbiblical (e.g., purgatory, indulgences), the Reformers also maintained the vital importance of demonstrating their rejection in patristic sources. In this way, they confirmed the primacy of Scripture and yet maintained the abiding value of the testimony of the saints.” – “tradition” (in Kapic, ed, Pocket Dictionary of Reformed Tradition)

“For the rule of our faith and religion, we wish to follow the Scripture alone, without mixing with it any other thing which might be fabricated by the interpretation of men apart from the Word of God; and we do not pretend to receive any other doctrine for our spiritual government than that which is taught us by the same Word, without addition or reduction, according to the command of our Lord.” – The Geneva Confession 1536/1537).

“The very word theology is a combination of the Greek word theos, which is translated “God,” and the word logos, which can be translated “word” or “discourse.” Theology is a discourse about God, a word about God, and that means it involves the knowledge of God. Theology is the doctrine of God, and our concern in theology is the true knowledge of God.” – Keith A. Mathison

Quotes To Ponder (114)

“The church that can’t worship must be entertained. And men who can’t lead the church to worship must provide the entertainment.” – A. W. Tozer

“Let me give you a statement that is the most offensive claim that can be made in the realm of religion. Here it is … There is only one God, one Savior, one true religion, one holy book, one gospel, one way of salvation. All other religious claims are lies, deceptions, doctrines of Satan and demons that lead people to eternal hell along with all the immoral, irreligious, atheistic, hedonistic, naturalistic unbelievers. That is the most offensive statement that I could come up with. It just happens to be the truth. It is the truth. That is the exclusive truth of Christianity. Even within the professing church, any deviation from the true gospel of grace is a damning lie to be cursed. We understand why the world rejects this. It is, however, a very sad day when people inside the church – even the evangelical church – begin to reject this. And, as I have said, getting the gospel right is the most important reality in the world because the true gospel is the only way of salvation.” – John MacArthur

“A pastor must have the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child and the skin of a rhinoceros.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“The worst thing that can happen to sinners is to be allowed to go on sinning without any divine restraints. At the end of the New Testament, in the book of Revelation when the description of the last judgment is set forth, God says, ‘He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still’ (Rev. 22:11). God gives people over to what they want. He abandons them to their sinful impulses and removes His restraints, saying in essence, ‘If you want to sin, go ahead and sin.’ This is what theologians call ‘judicial abandonment.’ God, in dispensing His just judgment, abandons the impenitent sinner forever.” – R.C. Sproul, Romans: An Expositional Commentary, pp. 32-33

“Real revivalism is the extraordinary blessing of God on the ordinary means of grace.” – John Williamson Nevin

To every believer, the debt–book is crossed; the black lines of sin are crossed out in the red lines of Christ’s blood. —Thomas Watson

“The greatest act of mercy that God performs is giving the gift of faith.” —R.C. Sproul

“There are very few errors and false doctrines of which the beginning may not be traced up to unsound views about the corruption of human nature. Wrong views of a disease will always bring with them wrong views of a remedy. Wrong views of the corruption of human nature will always carry with them wrong views of the grand antidote and cure of that corruption.” – J. C. Ryle , the First Bishop Of Liverpool

“The Holy Spirit has to change a person’s heart before He will ever say ‘yes’ to Jesus.” —R.C. Sproul

“No man by nature and left to himself has ever sought God…If you and I can claim as Christian people that we are seeking God, there is only one explanation for it, and that is that God has first sought us…Show me a man who can say honestly that he is seeking after God, and I will show you a man who has been quickened by God’s Spirit, whom God has sought.” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Romans – The Righteousness Judgment Of God)

“Readiness NOT speculation is what we need regarding the return of our Lord.” – Robert Briggs

“The church is not an institution for perfect people. It is a sanctuary for sinners saved by grace, a nursery for God’s sweet children to be nurtured and grow strong. It is the fold for Christ’s sheep, the home for Christ’s family. The church is the dearest place on earth.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“There is no single moment – no song sung or prayer prayed or feeling felt – when a church ‘enters the presence of God.’ Whether felt or not, every true, gathered church IS the dwelling place of God on earth – a temple in whom Christ fills all in all through the indwelling Holy Spirit.” – Jeff Wiesner

“People sometimes ask, ‘What makes your church different from other churches.’ I say, ‘Good question. But we might start with, How is my church like true churches in every place through the ages?’ This is one implication of confessing ‘one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.’” – Jeff Wiesner

“Satan and the demons know who Jesus is, but Satan would never put his personal trust or reliance upon Christ.” —R.C. Sproul

“No man can do a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me.” C. H. Spurgeon

“The flesh is not totally annihilated at conversion; the war goes on.” —R.C. Sproul

“To live ‘coram Deo’ is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.” —R.C. Sproul

“A believer’s dying day is his ascension day to glory.” – Thomas Watson

“The Bible clearly teaches that God is both infinitely good and in control of all creation—even the evil in the world. Though He is not the author of evil, He is Ruler over it, as the book of Job illustrates. And because God is in control of all things, we can have hope and turn to Him for mercy and grace in the face of overwhelming circumstances.” – Paul Tautges

Quotes on Pride

Some pastoral counsel: The devil is the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), cunning and crafty. He would seek to twist what might be a genuine work of God in the soul to purge us of pride (a very good thing), so that we would instead become paralyzed in a pit of condemnation with no way out (a very bad thing). On the other hand, while the Holy Spirit convicts the believer of sin, He never utterly condemns any of Christ’s blood bought sheep. ‘There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’ (Rom. 8:1). This is Holy Spirit revealed truth. The same Holy Spirit who assures of this will also go to work on all vestiges of pride in the believer’s heart. These twin works are not in conflict. However, conviction and condemnation are not the same thing. Not even close! The Holy Spirit convicts of sin; the devil seeks to utterly condemn. We should never allow the devil’s flaming missiles of accusation to condemn us. The God breathed word assures us, ‘Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God’ (John 1:18). With this foundation known and understood, let us proceed, asking the Lord to do a deep work within each of us. – Pastor John Samson

[Man never achieves] a clear knowledge of himself unless he has first looked upon God’s face, and then descends from contemplating Him to scrutinize himself. For we always seem to ourselves righteous and upright and wise and holy – this pride is innate in all of us – unless by clear proofs we stand convinced of our own unrighteousness, foulness, folly, and impurity. Moreover, we are not thus convinced if we look merely to ourselves and not also to the Lord, who is the sole standard by which this judgment must be measured. – John Calvin

Pride manifests itself in so many subtle, but lethal ways… In a hidden desire for the praise and admiration of men, an insistence on being “right,” the desire to be noticed and appreciated, fear of rejection, or just pre-occupation with myself my feelings, my needs, my circumstances, my burdens, my desires, my successes, my failures. These are all fruits of that deadly root of pride. – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Pride is subtle and shape-shifting. There is more of it at work in our hearts than we know, and more of it pulsing through our busyness than we realize. Pride is the villain with a thousand faces: People-pleasing, Pats on the back, Performance evaluation, Possessions, Proving myself, Pity, Poor planning, Power, Perfectionism, Position, Prestige and Posting. Here’s the bottom line: of all the possible problems contributing to our busyness, it’s a pretty good bet that one of the most pervasive is pride. It’s okay to be busy at times. You can’t love and serve others without giving of your time. So work hard; work long; work often. Just remember it’s not supposed to be about you. Feed people, not your pride. – Kevin DeYoung

Pride is a devastating sin and is complex. Most sins turn us away from God, but pride directly attacks God. It lifts us above and against God, seeking to dethrone Him by enthroning ourselves. – Joel Beeke

As death is the last enemy; so pride the last sin that shall be destroyed in us. – John Boys

We are much more concerned about someone abusing his freedom than we are about his guarding it. We are more afraid of indulging the sinful nature than we are of falling into legalism. Yet legalism does indulge the sinful nature because it fosters self-righteousness and religious pride. It also diverts us from the real issues of the Christian life by focusing on external and sometimes trivial issues. – Jerry Bridges

Pride is self contending with God for preeminence. – Stephen Charnock

Spiritual pride is very apt to suspect others, but a humble saint is most jealous of himself. He is as suspicious of nothing in the world as he is of his own heart. The spiritually proud person is apt to find fault with other saints…and to be quick to notice their deficiencies. But the eminently humble Christian has so much to do at home, and sees so much evil in his own heart, and is so concerned about it, that he is not apt to be very busy with other hearts… Pure Christian humility disposes a person to take notice of everything that is good in others, and to make the most of it, and to diminish their failings, but to give his eye chiefly on those things that are bad in himself. – Jonathan Edwards

Pride is a person having too high an opinion of himself. Pride is the first sin that ever entered into the universe, and the last sin that is rooted out. Pride is the worst sin. It is the most secret of all sins. There is no other matter in which the heart is more deceitful and unsearchable. Alas, how much pride the best have in their hearts! Pride is God’s most stubborn enemy! There is no sin so much like the devil as pride. It is a secret and subtle sin and appears in a great many shapes which are undetected and unsuspected. – Jonathan Edwards

Pride is the worst viper in the heart. It is the first sin that ever entered into the universe. It lies lowest of all in the foundation of the whole building of sin. Of all lusts, it is the most secret, deceitful, and unsearchable in its ways of working. It is ready to mix with everything. Nothing is so hateful to God, contrary to the spirit of the Gospel, or of so dangerous consequence. There is no one sin that does so much to let the devil into the hearts of the saints and expose them to his delusions. – Jonathan Edwards

There is a false boldness for Christ that only comes from pride. A man may rashly expose himself to the world’s dislike and even deliberately provoke its displeasure, and yet do so out of pride… True boldness for Christ transcends all; it is indifferent to the displeasure of either friends or foes. Boldness enables Christians to forsake all rather than Christ, and to prefer to offend all rather than to offend Him. – Jonathan Edwards

Pride is one chief cause of undue anger. It is because men are proud, and exalt themselves in their own hearts, that they are revengeful, and are apt to be excited, and to make great things out of little ones that may be against themselves. Yea, they even treat as vices things that are in themselves virtues, when they think their honor is touched, or when their will is crossed. And it is pride that makes men so unreasonable and rash in their anger, and raises it to such a high degree, and continues it so long, and often keeps it up in the form of habitual malice… If men sought not chiefly their own private and selfish interests, but the glory of God and the common good, then their spirit would be a great deal more stirred up in God’s cause than in their own; and they would not be prone to hasty, rash, inconsiderate, immoderate, and long-continued wrath, with any who might have injured or provoked them; but they would in a great measure forget themselves for God’s sake, and from their zeal for the honor of Christ. The end they would aim at, would be, not making themselves great, or getting their own will, but the glory of God and the good of their fellow-beings. – Jonathan Edwards

Pride is blindness to our faults, sins, and failings. Most importantly, pride is blind to the existence of itself. Therefore, the more proud you are, the more humble you will feel, and the more humble you are, the more proud you will feel. That is because true humility is the opening of the eyes to our personal sin, and one of the first things a humble person becomes aware of is his or her pride. – William Farley

Forms of temptation:

1. Temptation to act – 1 Jn. 2:16.

a. “lust of the eyes” – Personal aspiration.

b. “lust of the flesh” – Personal gratification.

c. “boastful pride of life” – Personal reputation.

2. Temptation to react.

a. Fight – anger, hostility, wrath, resentment, bitterness.

b. Fright – fear, anxiety, worry.

c. Flight – avoidance, apathy, escape, withdrawal.

James Fowler

Various forms of pride:
1. Self-admiration – “Look at me!”
a. Natural – my abilities, talents, assets.
b. Spiritual – my spiritual gifts, my ministry.
2. Self-aggrandizement – “Don’t I look good/great?”
a. Natural – my looks, my importance.
b. Spiritual – my position in the church.
3. Self-attention – “Listen to me!”
a. Natural – my understanding and viewpoint.
b. Spiritual – my Biblical and theological knowledge.
4. Self-justification – “I am right!”
a. Natural – my way is the right way.
b. Spiritual – our doctrine and polity is right.
5. Self-sufficiency – “I can do it!”
a. Natural – my abilities, my leadership.
b. Spiritual – our programs will make it happen.
6. Self-aspiration – “Let me win!”
a. Natural – competitive spirit; one-up-manship.
b. Spiritual – our statistics will prove us successful.
7. Self-seeking – “Give me mine!”
a. Natural – my rights; what I deserve.
b. Spiritual – our political rights and physical edifice.
8. Self-exaltation – “Praise me!”
a. Natural – my credit, glory, commendation.
b. Spiritual – our procedures and success. – James Fowler

Pride isn’t limited to self-righteousness. Our pride can also be self-preoccupation: being overly concerned with what others think of us and strongly desiring that others would think highly of us. Shyness can result from proudly fearing saying something stupid. Thinking extensively of how we look or act in public can come from a deep desire to impress others. Regularly redirecting conversation to ourselves can be prideful self-centeredness. The bottom line is that when we are proud, we think a lot about ourselves. – Karl Graustein

Today, the pressure to fill auditoriums and services has driven many pastors to place the felt needs, or tastes, of the people above their duty to Christ. On every hand we hear of the Gospel being molded into a non-confrontative message intended to meet felt needs and impress the sinful heart. And, by most standards, this new philosophy of church life is working, as more and more auditoriums are filled with people hungry for a message that will affirm that they are actually on fairly good terms with the Almighty. But the biblical message is the message of the cross. It cuts right across the grain of the modern age’s preoccupation with pride, tearing down the façade and exposing the wretchedness of the human heart… Unfortunately, while the modern “un-gospel” may fill seats, it is the true gospel of sin and grace that is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). – David Hegg

Pride Is the Root of All Evil (Genesis 3:5; 1 Timothy 3:6; 1 John 2:15-17). 2. God Hates Pride (Proverbs 8:13; 16:5; Isaiah 23:9; Daniel 4:29-37; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5). 3. God Loves Humility (Proverbs 11:2, 15:33, 18:12, 29:23; Isaiah 57:15, 66:2; Micah 6:8; Luke 14:11; 1 Peter 5:6). 4. What Pride Is Not: a. Acknowledging and appreciating the gifts and abilities God has given you. b. The presence of godly desire, ambition and purposeful direction in your life (1 Timothy 3:1). c. Acknowledging the work of God within you. d. The pursuit of excellence. e. Defending and proclaiming the truth of Scripture. 5. Pride Is Deceptive (John 8:31-36; Jeremiah 49:16; Proverbs 16:2, 21:2). – Brent Detwiler

1. Ask God to illuminate your heart so you can begin to see the fruits of pride in your life. Ask friends to point out the fruits of pride in your life realizing your heart is exceedingly deceitful. Be self-suspicious. 2. Ask God to convict you point by point (Psalm 139:23-24) and trust that He will. You don’t want or need general condemnation, only specific, godly conviction. 3. Confess your pride to God point by point and ask for His forgiveness. Just as importantly, ask Him to cleanse you of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). 4. Don’t ask God to humble you – the Scripture says to humble yourself (1 Peter 5:6). Humility isn’t an emotion; it’s a decision of the will to think and act differently. 5. Confess your sins of pride to those you have affected and to your friends. They can help to hold you accountable and bring the on-going encouragement and correction you will need. 6. Ask God to give you a holy hatred for pride and its fruits in your life. Be continually on the alert. Don’t allow pride to grow in your heart. 7. Ask God to give you a love for anonymity. Encourage and serve others each and every day. Associate with the lowly. 8. Think much about God and little about yourself. Regularly study the goodness and greatness of God. 9. Live to promote the reputation of God and not your own. Be impressed with God – don’t be impressed with yourself. Find your satisfaction in Him and not in your vain accomplishments. 10. Remember your war against pride is life-long. It is not a battle won in a day. But as you faithfully put pride to death and put on humility, you will experience greater freedom and more importantly greater conformity to image and likeness of Christ. In so doing, God will be glorified in your life! – Brent Detwiler

Concerning New Doctrine

Two quotes from the Prince of Preachers:

“One never knows what will come next; but of this we are pretty sure, that every now and then a new doctrine is brought forth which turns out to be an old heresy with a fresh coat of varnish on it; or else some new method of saving souls is found out, and the work blazes away like a house on fire till it dies out in smoke.”

  • C. H. Spurgeon, “A Sermon to the Lord’s Little Children,” in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 29 (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1883), 166.

“I am frequently told that I ought to examine at length the various new views which are so continually presented. I decline the invitation; I can smell them, and that satisfies me. I perceive in them nothing which glorifies God or magnifies Christ, but much that puffs up human nature, and I protest that the smell is enough for me.”

  • C. H. Spurgeon, An All-Round Ministry: Addresses to Ministers and Students (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009), 125.

Quotes To Ponder (113)

“If our feelings determine what we believe, we cannot be discerning.” – John MacArthur

“Your heart beats 72 times a minute. Every time it beats, it does so with the permission of its Creator.” – Anonymous

“’I agree with the content of what you said, but I disagree with the tone in which you said it,’ often (not always, but often) means, ‘I disagree with the content of what you said, but I don’t know how to refute it biblically, so I’m attempting to distract from the substance by discrediting the delivery.’” – Mike Riccardi

“Nobody can produce new evidence of your depravity that will make God change his mind. God justified you with his eyes open.” – J.I. Packer

“The only thing of our very own which we contribute to our salvation is the sin which makes it necessary.” – William Temple

“If his first coming does not give you eternal life, his second coming will not. If you do not hide in his wounds when he comes as your Savior, there will be no hiding place for you when he comes as your Judge.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“Jesus is both Lord (Master) and Savior you cannot separate the two. That would be like me showing up at your house and you saying Steve can come in, but keep Lawson outside.” – Steve Lawson

“When the devil accuses us and says, ‘You are a sinner and therefore damned,’ we should answer, ‘Because you say I am a sinner, I will be righteous and saved.’ ‘No,’ says the devil, ‘you will be damned.’ And I reply, ‘No, for I fly to Christ, who gave himself for my sins. Satan, you will not prevail against me when you try to terrify me by setting forth the greatness of my sins and try to bring me into heaviness, distrust, despair, hatred, contempt and blasphemy against God. On the contrary, when you say I am a sinner, you give me armor and weapons against yourself, so that with your own sword I may cut your throat and tread you under my feet, for Christ died for sinners. . . . As often as you object that I am a sinner, so often you remind me of the benefit of Christ my Redeemer, on whose shoulders, and not on mine, lie all my sins. So when you say I am a sinner, you do not terrify me but comfort me immeasurably.’” – Martin Luther, commenting on Galatians 1:4, “. . . the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins.”

“The generality of men make light work of sin; and yet in nothing doth it more appear what thoughts they have of God. He that hath slight thoughts of sin had never great thoughts of God. Indeed, men’s undervaluing of sin ariseth merely from their contempt of God.” – John Owen, The Works of John Owen, ed. William H. Gould, vol. 6 (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, n.d.), 394.

“Scripture contains all the divine words needed for any aspect of human life.” – John M. Frame, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (P&R Publishing, 2013), 618

“Scripture is sufficient for everything for which we need a word from God.” – Dan Phillips

“Prior to the 1960s no one expected a church service to be entertaining. No one wanted to be told to touch their neighbor and repeat a trite phrase suggested by the preacher. No one thought of worship as a physical stimulation. No one dreamed of using flashing lights and smoke to set the atmosphere in a worship service. No one demanded to be told that God accepts them just the way they are. When you went to church you expected to be thoughtful and quiet—prayerful, sober, reflective. The service was ordered so that the word of God was central. It was read and proclaimed with the aim of leading you to understanding, conviction, transformation, and elevation. The structure was deliberate, and the objective was for people to have an encounter with God through an understanding of his truth, with an opportunity to express it in corporate worship.” – John MacArthur

“If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God’s sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled.” – R.C. Sproul

“Magicians claim to bring us something from nothing. Darwinists claim to bring us everything from nothing.” – Dr. R. C. Sproul, Jr.

“Most people who believe in neo-Darwinian evolution have no real conception of the advanced irreducible complexity of living organisms.  Education can alleviate that misconception, but it cannot remove man’s treasonous attitude of rebellion against God.  Left to our own sin nature, we would rather live in intellectual absurdity (pretending that designed things just happened by chance) than submit to the Lord.  We spiritually blind ourselves rather than see the evidence of creation all around us (Romans 1:20). Furthermore, those who hate God encourage others to hate God, and to ignore the obvious reality that God is the Creator.  It is an example of the blind leading the blind (Matthew 15:14).  Fortunately, God can turn our heart around to love Him and open our spiritual eyes to see the obvious truth of His Word.” – Jason Lisle

The Incarnation – Quotes to Ponder

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:1, 14

“The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as this truth of the Incarnation.” – J. I. Packer

“The baby Mary carried was not a Caesar, a man who would become a god, but a far greater wonder – the true God who had become a man!” – Kent Hughes

“The glory of the incarnation is that it presents to our adoring gaze not a humanized God or a deified man, but a true God-man.”  – B.B. Warfield

“We must always remember that union with Christ is possible because of the Son’s descent to earth, not because of our ascent into heaven. The basis of our union with Christ is Christ’s union with us in the incarnation. He became one with us so that we might become one with Him.” – Kevin DeYoung

“God’s being does not consist of material substance, which is created. As uncreated, He is pure spirit. No human eye can hope to ‘see’ Him except to the degree that He chooses to reveal Himself in some mediated form compatible with the finitude of man or in the incarnation of His Son. The glorious good news is that the invisible God became visible in the person of Jesus (John 1:18).

1. The doctrine of the Incarnation means that two distinct natures (divine and human) are united in one Person: Jesus. Jesus is not two people (God and man). He is one person: the God-man. Jesus is not schizophrenic. 2. When the Word became flesh He did not cease to be the Word. The Word veiled, hid, and voluntarily restricted the use of certain divine powers and prerogatives. But God cannot cease to be God. In other words, when the Word became flesh He did not commit divine suicide. 3. When the Word once became flesh He became flesh forever. After His earthly life, death, and resurrection, Jesus did not divest Himself of the flesh or cease to be a man. He is a man even now at the right hand of God the Father. He is also God. He will always be the God-man. See 1 Cor. 15:28; Col. 2:9; 1 Jn. 2:7 (note use of present tense). 4. Thus, we might envision Jesus saying: “I am now what I always was: God (or Word). I am now what I once was not: man (or flesh). I am now and forever will be both: the God-man.

“What do we mean by the word ‘Incarnation?’ The idea is found in several texts which speak of Jesus as ‘coming in the flesh’ (1 Jn. 4:2; 2 Jn. 7), being ‘sent in the flesh’ (Rom. 8:3), ‘appearing in the flesh’ (1 Tim. 3:16); He also ‘suffered in the flesh’ (1 Pet. 4:1), ‘died in the flesh’ (1 Pet. 3:18), made peace by abolishing ‘in the flesh the enmity’ (Eph. 2:15), and ‘made reconciliation in the body of His flesh’ (Col. 1:21-22). In sum, ‘the Word became flesh’ (John 1:14). Thus, by the Incarnation we mean that the eternal Word or second person of the Trinity became a man or assumed human flesh at a point in time, yet without ceasing to be God.”

The doctrine of the Incarnation means that two distinct natures (divine and human) are united in one Person: Jesus. Jesus is not two people (God and man). He is one Person: the God-man. Jesus is not schizophrenic. When the Word became flesh He did not cease to be the Word. The Word veiled, hid, and voluntarily restricted the use of certain prerogatives. But God cannot cease to be God. In other words, when the Word became flesh He did not commit divine suicide.

The Word became flesh! God became human! The invisible became visible! The untouchable became touchable! Eternal life experienced temporal death! The transcendent one descended and drew near! The unlimited became limited! The infinite became finite! The immutable became mutable! The unbreakable became fragile! Spirit became matter! Eternity entered time! The independent became dependent! The almighty became weak! The loved became hated! The exalted was humbled! Glory was subjected to shame! Fame turned into obscurity! From inexpressible joy to tears of unimaginable grief! From a throne to a cross! From ruler to being ruled! From power to weakness!

“The eternal Word, God the Son, entered into this world by being born as a human being. Therefore, it isn’t correct to say that Jesus has always existed or that Jesus was in the beginning with God (v. 1). The Son of God has always existed. The Second person of the Trinity, the Word, was in the beginning with God. But Jesus is the human name given to the second person of the Trinity when he took to Himself flesh. The Word was never called Jesus until Joseph did so in obedience to the command of the angel in Matthew 1.” – Sam Storms

“It was to save sinners that Christ Jesus came into the world. He did not come to help them to save themselves, nor to induce them to save themselves, nor even to enable them to save themselves. He came to save them!” – William Hendriksen

“A gentle, pastoral, friendly reminder: If Santa gives presents because of good behavior, this in turn teaches kids a form of moralism and a works-based system of reward. This is the opposite message of the gospel. The gospel (good news) says that our works have earned judgement. But God has given us what we do not deserve in Christ. Salvation in Christ is a free gift that we did not earn. So, let’s focus this season on God’s grace to those who deserve judgement. Besides, there was only one person who made it on the nice list – He was perfect in our place, so that we could receive the reward He earned. His name was Jesus.” – Pastor Jesse Watkins

Quotes to Ponder (112)

“Congregations in every age must see themselves as learning communities in which gospel truth has to be taught, defended, and vindicated against corruptions of it and alternatives to it. Being alert to all aspects of the difference between true and false teaching, and of behavior that expresses the truth as distinct from obscuring it, is vital to the church’s health.” – J. I. Packer

“People do not drift toward Holiness…We slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.” – D.A. Carson

“We must place our reliance entirely on the perfect obedience and sin-bearing death of Christ as the sole basis of our standing before God—on our best days as well as our worst…” – Jerry Bridges

“Church leaders who have been committed to seeing the church reformed according to God’s Word down through the ages have had a common method: read the Word, preach the Word, pray the Word, sing the Word, see the Word (in the ordinances). Often referred to by theologians as the elements of corporate worship, these five basics are essential to the corporate life, health, and holiness of any local church.” ~Mark Dever

“The Spirit does not add to Scripture. The Spirit does not speak apart from Scripture. The Spirit does not speak alongside the Scripture. The Spirit speaks THROUGH the Scripture.” – Dustin Benge

“A worldview is the lens through which someone views the world around him. Everyone has one and not all worldviews are equally valid. In the great battle for worldviews in our day, the first four words in our Bibles have breathtaking, cosmic impact. Either they are true and everything about everything needs to be viewed in the light of them; or else they are untrue, and merely the irrelevant ramblings of misguided man. There is nothing in between. There is no neutral ground nor can there be. So the question I put before you today is this, ‘What will you do with ‘In the beginning, God…’” – John Samson

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

– Hebrews 11:6

“I don’t always feel God’s presence, but God’s promises do not depend upon my feelings, they rest upon His integrity.” – R. C. Sproul

“The Word of God can take care of itself, and will do so if we preach it, and cease defending it. See you that lion. They have caged him for his preservation; shut him up behind iron bars to secure him from his foes! See how a band of armed men have gathered together to protect the lion. What a clatter they make with their swords and spears! These mighty men are intent upon defending a lion. O fools, and slow of heart! Open that door! Let the lord of the forest come forth free. Who will dare to encounter him? What does he want with your guardian care? Let the pure gospel go forth in all its lion-like majesty, and it will soon clear its own way and ease itself of its adversaries.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“Just because a guy struggles with same sex desire doesn’t mean God made him gay, any more than a guy struggling with anger means God made him a murderer. You have a choice with what you do with every temptation.” – Allen Atzbi

“The evidence of genuine conversion is not sinless perfection but a life marked by genuine repentance and confession. The one who confesses faith in Christ and yet lives in sin with little or no brokenness or divine discipline should be greatly concerned.” – Paul Washer

“The legalist is right to think that the demands of the law must be met. The legalist is wrong to think that he can meet them.” – Kevin DeYoung

“While debating two Darwinian Biologists I asked why we do not find lots of transitional fossils in the earth’s crustal rock layers. They said it was due to Darwinian evolution happening too fast to be caught in the stratified layers (Punctuated Equilibrium). Later, I asked why we do not see Macro change occurring today. This time they responded that we cannot observe Darwinian change occurring in the present as such change takes place slowly, over long ages of time. I said, ‘Well now you have me confused. Does Darwinian evolution occur too quickly to leave evidence in the fossil record or too slowly to be seen in the present?’ They looked at each other and stated, ‘Wow, you are right! This is our religious belief! But it is what we believe.’ I replied, ‘Choose to believe whatever you like; just stop teaching it as if it were science to unsuspecting children.’” – Russ Miller

“It is always the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus. But Satan’s work is just the opposite; he is constantly trying to make us look at ourselves instead of Christ.” —C.H. Spurgeon

“If you’re not concerned for others’ salvation, I’m concerned for yours.” – Ray Comfort

“Don’t pray for less fear to reach the lost. Pray for more love, because that’s the problem.” – Ray Comfort

“If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows the Lord’s will but does not mean to attend to it, you are not to pamper his presumption, but it is your duty to assure him that he is not saved. Do not suppose that the Gospel is magnified or God glorified by going to the worldlings and telling them that they may be saved at this moment by simply accepting Christ as their Savior, while they are wedded to their idols, and their hearts are still in love with sin. If I do so I tell them a lie, pervert the Gospel, insult Christ, and turn the grace of God into lasciviousness.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“We are not loving people when we’re telling them that God accepts them as they are without repentance, because we’re lying to them… God’s grace is not infinite. God is infinite, and God is gracious. We experience the grace of an infinite God, but grace is not infinite. God sets limits to His patience and forbearance. He warns us over and over again that someday the ax will fall and His judgment will be poured out.” – R.C. Sproul

“Refuse self-pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with the power to destroy you. Turn your thoughts to Christ who has already carried our griefs and sorrows.” – Elisabeth Elliot

“We must place our reliance entirely on the perfect obedience and sin-bearing death of Christ as the sole basis of our standing before God—on our best days as well as our worst…” – Jerry Bridges

“God’s sovereignty does not negate our responsibility to pray, but rather makes it possible for us to pray with confidence.” – Jerry Bridges

“It is as impossible to understand the Scriptures without the Spirit’s help as it is to read a sundial without the sun.” – Derek Prime & Alistair Begg

“God, in mercy, will never allow children of His to be comfortable in sin.” – Will Metzger