Christ Died For The Sins Of Christians Too

I’ve just learned that Dr. Rod Rosenbladt passed on to his heavenly reward. He had an impact for good in a great many lives, including mine. Here’s an article he wrote – original source:

Any evangelical- indeed, any real Christian-would probably say that life’s key issue is whether someone comes into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. How one receives that salvation, however, has been the subject of many debates throughout church history, debates that continue today. At the center of these many debates is an assumption: Every human being born after Adam and Eve is affected (some call this effect total depravity) by the Fall. In order to right the wrong and restore us to a saving relationship with our Creator, Christians affirm that the eternal Son of God assumed to himself a particular human nature in order that he might do the work of being our prophet, priest, and king. He has solved our basic problem by standing in our stead and taking our place. That simple story of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection is the gospel. And the gospel message is that Christ did all of this for you and me. The word that most evangelicals would use for this work is a biblical word-Christ Jesus has brought us salvation.

My task would be simple if I were merely to answer the question, “How am I to be saved?” For, the answer to this question is simple as well. It is “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!” (see Acts 16:31 [nkj]; cf. 1 Tim. 1:16 [nkj]). Although the doctrine of justification is still under attack in many circles, most evangelicals understand the question of salvation and are able to grasp it in its bare simplicity: Christ died for me. But the more difficult thing with which Christians must come to grips is, “What does the gospel matter to my Christian life?” Or, in other words, “What do I do now? Do I still believe the gospel, or is the rest left up to me?”

An Alien Gospel

One of my favorite stories that illustrates this particular matter deals with a time when the German reformer Martin Luther was translating the Bible into German at the Wartburg castle and could only have contact with his colleague Phillip Melanchthon by courier. Melanchthon had a different sort of temperament than Luther. Some would call him timid; others of a less generous bent might call him spineless. At one time, while Luther was off in the Wartburg castle translating, Melanchthon had another one of his attacks of timidity. He wrote to Luther, “I woke this morning wondering if I trust Christ enough.” Luther received such letters from Melanchthon regularly. He had a tendency, a propensity, to navel-gaze and to wonder about the state of his inner faith, and whether it was enough to save. Finally, in an effort to pull out all the stops and pull Melanchthon out of himself, Luther wrote back and said, “Melanchthon! Go sin bravely! Then go to the cross and bravely confess it! The whole gospel is outside of us.”

This story has been told time and time again by less sympathetic observers than I in an effort to caricature Luther and the Reformation generally as advocates of licentious abandon. These critics assert that if we are not justified by our own moral conformity to the law, but by Christ’s, surely there is nothing keeping us from self-indulgence. This, of course, was the criticism of the gospel that Paul anticipated in Romans 6: “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!” Luther’s pastoral advice was calculated to jar Melanchthon out of morbid introspection. Great sinners know liberation when they have it, but Melanchthon had been a scrupulous, pious Catholic. Luther’s words did not bring him assurance, but only doubts. For his assurance depended not so much on God’s promise to the ungodly as ungodly (see Rom. 4:5), but on his own ability to see growth and improvement in his “Christian walk.” Luther’s frustrated counsel was not an invitation to serve sin, but an attempt to shock Melanchthon into realizing that his only true righteousness was external to him: “The whole gospel is outside of us.”

Melancthon’s experience is common among many Christians I know today. Many of them, such as Melancthon did 400 years ago, are looking for assurance of their salvation in all the wrong places. They tend to think that their standing before God-now that they are Christians-is based on their own obedience and their own righteousness. They have forgotten the fundamental fact that the gospel is “outside of us.” It was “outside of us” when we turned to Christ for salvation and it is “outside of us,” now, as we progress in our sanctification.

This “alien” nature of the gospel is a primary theme in the New Testament: Christ’s death was outside of me and for me. It is not primarily something that changes me. After one has been declared righteous by grace through faith, this grace will begin to change us (sanctification). Nevertheless, its changing us is certainly not what justifies us. In Roman Catholicism, and in some forms of American Evangelicalism (like John Wesley’s work), however, the accent falls on actual moral transformation. In other words, what makes us acceptable to God is not his external declarationof justification, but his internal work of renovation within our hearts and lives. Thus, through the influence of Arminianism and Wesleyanism, the situation in many evangelical churches is almost indistinguishable on these points from medieval Rome. Some of the preaching in Evangelicalism-certainly some of the Sunday school material and some of the addresses by retreat speakers and Christian leaders-tends to reinforce that old intuition that morally good people are the ones who are saved and that those who are not so good are the ones who are lost.

The bellwether test as to where a person stands on this issue is what he or she does with Romans 7, particularly passages such as, “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (vv. 19, 24). Often, those who are not grounded in the Reformation say that this was Paul’s experience before he met the Lord. Those of us from a Reformation perspective, however, would probably say there is no better description of the Christian life in the entire Bible than Romans 7. The reformers really believed that the Christian life was a matter of being simul iustus et peccator-simultaneously justified and sinful-and that we would remain in this tension until death.

Any righteousness that we have, even in the Christian life, is a gift to us. It is not the result of our obedience, of our claiming God’s promises, of our “victorious Christian living,” or of our “letting go and letting God.” You might be familiar with some of these ideas if you’ve spent any amount of time in American church circles. But the reformers would not have been especially impressed with these teachings, commonly called “Higher Life” teachings. In the early twentieth century, the Princeton Presbyterian theologian B. B. Warfield, had this to say about Lewis Sperry Chafer (a Presbyterian minister whose writings helped pave the way for these ideas to infiltrate American churches):

Mr. Chafer makes use of all the jargon of the Higher Life teachers. In him, too, we hear of two kinds of Christians, whom he designates respectively “carnal men” and “spiritual men,” on the basis of a misreading of 1 Cor. 2:9ff; and we are told that the passage from the one to the other is at our option, whenever we care to “claim” the higher degree “by faith.” With him, too, thus, the enjoyment of every blessing is suspended on our “claiming it.” We hear here, too, of “letting” God, and, indeed, we almost hear of “engaging” the Spirit (as we engage, say, a carpenter) to do work for us; and we do explicitly hear of “making it possible for God” to do things-a quite terrible expression. Of course, we hear repeatedly of the duty and efficacy of “yielding”-and the act of “yielding ourselves” is quite in the customary manner discriminated from “consecrating” ourselves.

Gospel-Centered Sanctification

Did the reformers, then, have any doctrine of sanctification? Of course they did. We are all familiar with the biblical announcements as to what is involved in sanctification: the Word, the Sacraments, prayer, fellowship, sharing the gospel, serving God and neighbor. And the Reformation tradition acknowledges that there are biblical texts that speak of sanctification as complete already. This is not a perfection that is empirical or observable (as Wesley and others would have insisted upon), but a definitive declaration that because we are “in Christ,” we are set apart and reckoned holy by his sacrifice (1 Cor. 1:30Heb. 10, and so on). Anybody who is in Christ is sanctified, because Christ’s holiness is imputed to the Christian believer, just as Jesus says in John 17:19, “For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.” God sees the believer as holy. That means that Wesley should not have terrified Christian brethren with texts such as “Without holiness, no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14 [niv]). The Christian is holy, it is all imputed. What would the reformers have done with texts such as 1 Peter 1:16, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” ([nas], cf. Lev. 11:44f19:220:7)? They would say we are called to be holy. But, some may ask, why should we be called to holiness if we are already perfect in Christ? That question has been asked before, and Paul’s answer in Romans 6 is because we are saved unto good works, not unto licentiousness. Good works are done out of thankfulness of heart by the believer who has been saved, not by one who is trying to be saved by following the law.

How did the law function in the reformers’ doctrine of sanctification? They believed that the law in the Bible has three uses. First, it is a civil ordinance to keep us from stealing each other’s wives, husbands, and speedboats. The civil use of the law applies to the whole culture. Second, the theological use of the law is to reveal our sin and drive us to despair and terror so that we will seek a savior. Luther believed that is a primary use of the law in all of Scripture. But the reformers also believed in a third use of the law, and that is a didactic use, to teach the Christian God’s will for holy living. (For more on this point, see the sidebar, “Defining Law and Gospel.”)

What should the Christian do if he is reading the law and says, “This is not yet true of me: I don’t love God with all my heart, and I certainly don’t love my neighbor as I love myself. In fact, just today I failed to help a poor man on the side of the road who was having car trouble. I must not yet be a Christian.” The answer of the Higher Life movement to the struggling Christian is, “Surrender more!” or, “What are you holding back from the Lord?” The Reformation answer is different: “You hurry back to the second use of the law and flee to Christ where sanctification is truly, completely, and perfectly located.” After this experience, the believer will feel a greater sense of freedom to obey (thus fulfilling the third use of the law), and this is the only way that one will ever feel free to obey. The most important thing to remember is that the death of Christ was in fact a death even for Christian failure. Christ’s death saves even Christians from sin. There is always room at the cross for unbelievers, it seems. But we ought also to be telling people that there is room at the cross for Christians, too.

Too often in evangelical circles, the law only condemns. It comes back to undermine the confidence of the gospel. It can still make threats; it can still condemn. There is wonderful grace for the sinner, and the evangelical is at his best in evangelism. But the question as to whether there is enough grace for the sinful Christian is an open one in many gatherings. I have had people come up to me after I had spoken and tell me, “This is about the last shot I’ve got. My own Christian training is killing me. I can understand how, before I was a Christian, Christ’s death was for me, but I am not at all sure that his death is for me now because I have surrendered so little to him and hold so much back.” That perversion is the result of a faulty understanding of the gospel and of a faulty application of the law.

Instead, there must be a clear and unqualified pronouncement of the assurance of salvation on the basis of the fullness of the atonement of Christ. In other words, even a Christian can be saved. The other “gospel,” in its various forms (Higher Life, legalism, the “carnal Christian” teaching, and so on) is tearing us to pieces. I must warn you that the answer to this devastating problem is not available on every street corner. It is available only in the Reformation tradition. This is not because that particular tradition has access to information other traditions do not possess. Rather, it is because the same debate that climaxed in that sixteenth-century movement has erupted again and again since in less precise form. In fact, since Christ’s debates with the Pharisees and Paul’s arguments with the legalists, this has been the debate of Christian history. At no time since the apostolic era were these issues so thoroughly discussed and debated as they were in the sixteenth century. To ignore the biblical wisdom, scholarship, and brilliant insights of such giants as the reformers is simply to add to our ignorance the vice of pride and self-sufficiency. The Reformation position is the real evangelical position.

The only way out is an exposition of the Scriptures that has to do with law and gospel-an exposition of the Scriptures that places Christ at the center of the text for everybody, including the Christian. All of the Bible is about him. All of the Bible is even about him for the Christian!

I used to tell my students at an evangelical Christian college that they had never heard real preaching, with the exception of a few sound evangelistic appeals. Their weekly diet in the congregation was often a moral exhortation to be like Jesus, or Paul, or Daniel, or some other super saint in the Bible. They were constantly peppered with the question, “What are you doing for Jesus?” The preaching was not, as it should have been, a proclamation of God’s grace to them because of the finished and atoning death of Christ-God’s grace for them as Christians. That emphasis is desperately needed. But the only way we can recover this message is by ceasing to read the Scriptures as a recipe book for Christian living, and instead find within the Scriptures Christ who died for us and who is the answer to our unchristian living. We must have that kind of renewal (a renewal, which not surprisingly, was important to the reformers, as well), and it can only come if we realize that the gospel is for Christians, too.

A friend of mine was walking down a street in Minneapolis one day and was confronted by an evangelical brother who asked, “Brother, are you saved?” Hal rolled his eyes back and said, “Yes.” That didn’t satisfy this brother, so he said, “Well, when were you saved?” Hal said, “About two thousand years ago, about a twenty minutes’ walk from downtown Jerusalem.” This is the gospel message. It’s just as important for Christians to believe for their sanctification as it is for pagans to believe for their justification; for it is the same message, the same salvation, the same work of God. It’s just as important for the evangelical church today as it was for the reformers in the sixteenth century. Without this simple, but mind-boggling message, there is no hope, not for the sinner nor for the saint.

1 [ Back ] This article has been adapted from Dr. Rosenbladt’s contribution to Christ The Lord (Baker, 1992).

Understanding Theosis

Michael F. Bird – Evangelical Theology, Second Edition: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction (pp. 629-633). Zondervan Academic. Kindle Edition.

Theosis, also called “deification,” identifies salvation as becoming like God and sharing in the divine nature. In recent years there has been a surge of scholarly interest in theosis in what might be called a rediscovery of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. The Eastern church has had the most interest in theosis as a theological category for salvation. As for a definition of theosis, the Orthodox Study Bible describes it as follows: 

“This does not mean we become divine by nature. If we participated in God’s essence, the distinction between God and man would be abolished. What this does mean is that we participate in God’s energy, described by a number of terms in scripture such as glory, love, virtue, and power. We are to become like God by His grace, and truly be His adopted children, but never become like God by nature. . . . When we are joined to Christ, our humanity is interpenetrated with the energies of God through Christ’s glorified flesh. Nourished by the Blood and Body of Christ, we partake of the grace of God—His strength, His righteousness, His love—and are enabled to serve Him and glorify Him. Thus we, being human, are being deified.”

There is ample scriptural basis for theosis. We read in 2 Peter, “He has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature [theias koinōnoi physeōs], having escaped the corruption of the world caused by evil desires” (2 Pet 1:4). Paul states that the purpose of divine predestination is so that believers will be “conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom 8:29). Paul also wrote, “We all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Cor 3:18).53 John’s Gospel makes repeated references to believers remaining or dwelling in Christ and to Christ remaining or dwelling in them (John 15:4–9). Johannine salvation can be summed up like this: “I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity” (John 17:23). These biblical texts refer to a transformation of believers that brings them into a type of unity, in some mysterious sense, with Christ and God. This is certainly the ingredients for a doctrine of theosis or something like it. 

The concept of becoming united with God and like God was not far from the minds of some church fathers. “Because of his measureless love,” wrote Irenaeus, “he became what we are in order to enable us to become what he is.” Elsewhere he said, “Unless man had been joined to God, he could never become a partaker of incorruptibility,” and later he rhetorically asked, “How can man pass into God unless God has first passed into man?” According to Clement of Alexandria, “The Word of God became man that you may also learn from a man how to become God.” For Origen it was possible to participate in “holiness, wisdom, and divinity itself.” Athanasius memorably wrote that the Word “was made man so that we might be made God.” Augustine declared, “Therefore by joining to us the likeness of His humanity, He took away the unlikeness of our unrighteousness; and by becoming sharer of our mortality, He made us sharers of His divinity.” The First Helvetic Confession sees part of Christ’s priestly office as leading “us into the fellowship of His divine nature.” 

Yet the concept of deification is rather slippery. Is it ontological, relational, or ethical? What precisely is meant by being “made God” or “partake in the divine nature” is not entirely clear. According to Jaroslav Pelikan, “The church could not specify what it meant to promise that man would become divine until it had specified what it meant to confess that Christ had always been divine.” Pelikan adds, “The idea of deification in the Greek fathers had run the danger of obscuring the distinction between Creator and creature.” For Gregory Palamas, theosis is sharing in the communicable divine attributes by immersion in divine energies, whereas Protestants envisage something more like experiencing by grace what is the Son’s by nature, namely, divine sonship. In that case, theosis is a mixture of adoption, infused life, incipient glory, and imitatio Christi. 

Theosis is best conceived as our participation in the Son and transformation into the image of the Son. Deification is, by means of union with Christ, our participation in Christ’s incarnate humanity, its redemptive benefits like adoption, sharing in divine life, a reinstatement of Adamic stewardship of creation, and imitation of the communicable divine attributes—all through the Holy Spirit. So I am happy to use the terms theosis and deification, but I use them only as a shorthand summary for describing how, through Christ’s incarnation and the Spirit’s mediation, believers are transformed to share in the divine life that God bestows in Christ, adopted into Christ’s divine sonship, and are conformed to the pattern of Christ. Anything beyond that is going to raise more problems than it solves. 

Calvin is a particularly helpful resource for considering theosis. Several texts from Calvin appear at first glance to support theosis. Commenting on 2 Peter 1:4, he said, “Let us then mark, that the end of the gospel is, to render us eventually conformable to God, and, if we may so speak, to deify us.” For Calvin deified means to be made “partakers of divine and blessed immortality and glory, so as to be as it were one with God as far as our capacities will allow.” In the Institutes Calvin said, “The flesh of Christ is like a rich and inexhaustible fountain that pours into us the life springing forth from the Godhead into itself. Now who does not see that communion with Christ’s flesh and blood is necessary for all who aspire to heavenly life?” And in their union with Christ, believers are “participants not only in all his benefits but also in himself.” Furthermore, a wondrous exchange sees believers share in what Christ has and is: 

Having become with us the Son of Man, he has made us with himself sons of God. By his own descent to the earth he has prepared our ascent to heaven. Having received our mortality, he has bestowed on us his immortality. Having undertaken our weakness, he has made us strong in his strength. Having submitted to our poverty, he has transferred to us his riches. Having taken upon himself the burden of unrighteousness with which we were oppressed, he has clothed us with his righteousness. 

Calvin’s idea of a transformative and participatory union with God in Christ through the Spirit can be squared with theosis, if one regards believers as participating in God’s energies like divine glory and life (energeia) rather than participating in God’s essence or immanent being (ousia), and if one treats deification as a conflation of adoption, imitation, and glorification. However, if one holds up Calvin to a Byzantine theological standard of theosis with anything remotely ontological, I think he falls short. Of course, it depends on which version of theosis we are talking about—Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, or Gregory Palamas. For Calvin, there can be no real or absolute sharing in the divine nature. Calvin’s notion of mystical union with Christ is not a participation in Christ’s hypostatic union or in the triune communion per se but a participation in the incarnate Christ’s union with God as mediated by the Spirit. The benefits of our union with Christ’s humanity as it is united with God are divine sonship, eternal life, and everlasting glory. Yet for Calvin, the Spirit draws us into Christ’s incarnate humanity and its union with God the Father, not into a divine ontology. 

Bruce McCormack rejects the notion that Calvin’s idea of union with Christ can be seriously integrated with a realist notion of theosis. McCormack notes that Calvin’s Christology will not actually allow God’s essential life to be communicated to believers (so as to avoid the error of Andreas Osiander, who taught that we share in God’s essential righteousness in justification). McCormack argues that Calvin has dispensed with that which made deification theories possible, namely, the idea of an interpenetration of the natures. For Calvin, the believer participates only in the human nature of Christ. Since there can be no interpenetration of the natures in Christ, participation in the human nature of Christ cannot result in a participation in the divine nature. One simply cannot find the ontological purchase needed for a hard deification theory in Calvin’s Christology. In my mind, Calvin is at best an advocate of a soft form of deification (i.e., participation in divine life, sonship, and glory), not a radically mystical and metaphysical sense of deification.