Michael P. Jensen’s book “How to Write a Theology Essay” could prove to be a valuable resource for anyone wishing to help people grasp true things about God. Each of the twenty chapters ends with a bullet-point summary (though there is more to the book than the summaries):
1. How not to lose heart before you start
•The topics of theology really matter
•The knowledge of God is not the preserve of the very clever
•Starting to write theology is a challenge that can be fun!
2. What is theology in any case?
•Theology is a species of reason, subject to the Word of God
•Theology is a form of speech
•Theology is evangelical: it is about God and his deeds
•Theology is evangelistic: it is an invitation to submit to the Lordship of Christ
3. What is a theology essay?
•An essay is an invitation to persuade
•The object of the theology essay is to say true things about God
•The theology essay deals with ideas and concepts
•It is not merely a summary of Scripture
4. The responsibility of theology
•Theology is answerable to God and must be done with prayerful reverence
•Theology is best done in service to God and his people
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