India Outreach Update

Before I share an update, God used those seasons of ministry to plant a very deep love in my heart for the precious people of India. There are tears in my eyes as I recall the faces of young boys and girls as well as many adults making a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus for the first time. Over the years I have been privileged to see thousands do this exact thing.

I am very aware that my part in it all was simply the final link in a long chain of people – those who had prayed for, given towards and sacrificed in ways only heaven will reveal, so that the people of Kerala, India might know salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, all these years later, a new opportunity is before us. One missionary can do only so much and go to only so many places by himself; but a tract can go to places a missionary would never get to on his own. A tract is like a trained armed soldier, standing on guard, always ready to be used in the hand of God.

One testimony I heard recently was from a gentleman who kept a tract in his wallet for 3 years, “almost” throwing it away many different times, only to keep it, thinking he might read it “one day” when he had time… Then finally, alone in a hotel room, while fumbling through his wallet, he came across the tract (now just a little battered by the elements of time) and he finally decided to read it. As he did so, he understood the gospel, was immediately convicted of his sin, and right there on the spot, the Holy Spirit brought the miracle of conversion as he trusted in Christ to save him.

You may remember we provided 10,000 copies of the Gospel tract I wrote “The Thief on the Cross” in the Malayalam language which were handed out to people in the state of Kerala at Easter time. The response and feedback to this very clear gospel presentation has been so encouraging that we made a tentative inquiry to find out how much it would cost for 100,000 tracts to be printed.

Whereas the cost for 10,000 tracts was approximately $400 USA Dollars, the cost for 100,000 tracts will be $2,600.00. This is the full cost, which includes paper, printing, shipping and distribution handling costs. As you can see, there is a substantial savings (per tract) when there is a larger quantity being printed.

Perhaps this Gospel outreach is something you or your church might like to get behind and support. If so, just write to me and I will give you further details.

Goal: $2,600.00

Amount received (as of 8/5/11): $330.00

Thank you D.B. and T.G. for your sacrificial gifts for this project. May many others be inspired to do the same.

Brazil Trip

Today is a day of traveling: around 24 hours of it. Over the years I have had the privilege of seeing much of our world. I have visited many of the countries in Europe, as well as Asia, Australasia and North America but today I head to South America for the very first time. I will be away for 10 days which will include ministry time in north eastern Brazil. God willing, I will endeavor to continue to write here on the blog (as good internet connections allow). I would very much value your prayers for this short time away. May all God’s purposes be established.

Outreach to India (Update)

Its taken three weeks for my good friend, Indian Pastor Pappy Daniel to find the best possible deal, but as promised, here’s an update on the Gospel tract printing costs.

You may remember we provided 10,000 copies of the Gospel tract I wrote “The Thief on the Cross” in the Malayalam language which were handed out to people in the state of Kerala at Easter time. The response and feedback to this very clear gospel presentation has been so encouraging that we made a tentative inquiry to find out how much it would cost for 100,000 tracts to be printed.

Whereas the cost for 10,000 tracts was approximately $400 USA Dollars, the cost for 100,000 tracts will be $2,600.00. This is the full cost, which includes paper, printing, shipping and distribution handling costs. As you can see, there is a substantial savings (per tract) when there is a larger quantity being printed.

Perhaps this Gospel outreach is something you or your church might like to get behind and support. If so, just write to me and I will give you further details. I will keep this article updated to show the amount that has come in for this specific venture (below).

Goal: $2,600.00

Amount received (as of 6/8/11): $200.00