Calvin’s Heart for Missions

I was asked recently “in your studies of John Calvin’s life and ministry, “Calvin’s enormous heart for world evangelism and missions.”

I think most of us are aware of John Calvin the Bible teacher and theologian; and we know of the radical positive changes he brought to the city of Geneva where he pastored for so long; but very few seem to be aware that his Geneva Church was a great sending center, with hundreds of students being sent out to take the Gospel and plant Churches in foreign lands.

Calvin trained men to go out from Geneva to many parts of the world. Many of them went, knowing they faced certain death for doing so. Indeed, many who went out died as martyrs for the Gospel. Yet despite this, the work of God prospered exponentially.

Dr. Stephen Lawson, in his book “Pillars of Grace” writes, “Calvin dispatched French-speaking pastors, whom he had trained for the gospel ministry, from Geneva to other French-speaking provinces in Europe. Most went to France, where the Reformed movement grew to encompass about one-tenth of the population. Eventually, thirteen hundred Geneva-trained missionaries went to France. By 1560, more than a hundred underground churches had been planted in France by men sent out from Geneva. By 1562, the number of churches had multiplied to as many as 2,150, with more than 3 million members. The membership of some of the churches numbered in the thousands. This growth produced a Huguenot church that almost overcame the Catholic Counter-Reformation in France. Further, Geneva-trained missionaries planted churches in Italy, Hungary, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, England, Scotland, and the Rhineland—even Brazil.”

EE-TAOW! (The Mouk Story)

“And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” – Revelation 5:9

This (below) is without question, the most powerful and dramatic Christian video I have ever seen. The story of how an unreach people group (the Mouks) were reached by the Gospel is a wonder to behold. The intricate and detailed care and planning that went into their evangelization is a tremendous eye opener, as is the way that the Gospel was taught to them, line by line, precept upon precept. Then to watch as the Bible story unfolds and the Cross and resurrection of Christ is proclaimed, and to witness an entire tribe coming to Christ – well, it never fails to move me deeply to see it.

Though this video was made some years ago, I sincerely believe that any Christian who has a heart to reach others with the Gospel will be very much inspired by watching this, and if someone does not already have such a heart, God may well use this as a means to stir that desire to reach others.

EE-TAOW (The Mouk Story) from oliver wong on Vimeo.

Here in this second video (below), we witness the next chapter in the amazing story – how the Mouks then reached out to other tribes around them with the Gospel:

EE-TAOW (The Next Chapter) from oliver wong on Vimeo.

Missionary Experience

“Race and nationality likewise offer no immunity from sin; the most cultured of nations are just as capable of genocide as the most barbaric. The gas chambers of the “civilized” are merely sophisticated forms of the machetes wielded by the “uncivilized.”

Neither is there such a thing as a “noble savage” or “happy heathen.” In the words of one former missionary, “I went to the mission field to keep a bad God from sending good men to hell. When I arrived, I discovered that they were monsters of iniquity.” The question is not whether men have had the opportunity to “accept Jesus.” The question is whether they have had an oppportunity to mistreat the missionary and reject his message – for apart from the special working of the Holy Spirit, that is what they will surely do. Sin is universal in the human race.” – Charles Leiter, Justification and Regeneration

John Alexander, a former president of Inter-Varsity, said in a message at Urbana ’67: “At the beginning of my missionary career I said that if predestination were true, I could not be a missionary. Now after 20 years of struggling with the hardness of the human heart, I say I could never be a missionary unless I believed in the doctrine of predestination.”

“And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” – John 10:16