Charismatics and the Word of Faith Movement

globe_azOn Saturday, March 28, I traveled to Globe, Arizona to attend the 2015 Bible Conference at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church. The theme was the truth about the Word of Faith Movement / Pentecostalism / Prophecy / Tongues, and Healing on demand. The Guest speakers were Phil Johnson and Justin Peters. It was a rich time together in the word of God and a real privilege to meet host Pastor John Skaggs and the kind people of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church. The teaching sessions were excellent. I recommend them highly:

Session 1: Phil Johnson: Why I am a Cessationist

Session 2: Phil Johnson: Beware the Greed Mongers: An expose of the Prosperity Doctrine

Session 3: Justin Peters: Clouds Without Water (1)

Session 4: Justin Peters: Clouds Without Water (2)

Session 5: Justin Peters: Clouds Without Water (3)

Session 6: Justin Peters: Clouds Without Water (4)