Journey Out of the Word of Faith

Reformed Bible Conference – Saturday, March 12, 2016 – Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Globe, Arizona

Behind every deception there lurks the crafty, hissing serpent appealing to the pride of man. “You don’t need a God.. why? You can become one,” he says. “Learn my wisdom and my laws; put them in motion and you can control your destiny and environment to make it as you please.”

Session 1: John Samson – Deceived People, Deceive People

Sermon audio:

Youtube video:

Session 2: John Samson – The Journey Out of Heresy

Sermon audio:

Youtube video:

15,000 Views and Counting

Back in September, as I guest hosted one of Dr. James White’s dividing line programs, I did a one hour teaching on the subject “Confessions of a Former Word of Faith Pastor.” The Lord seems to be using the audio and video recordings to reach people caught up in the ‘word of faith’ movement. More than 15,000 have now viewed the youtube video and I regularly hear from people being impacted. Please continue to pray that many lives will be changed as they encounter God’s word.

For quite some time, I was a pastor in the “word of faith” movement. On this “Dividing Line” show, I shared something of an insider’s guide, as well as the powerful biblical truths God used to alert me to the gross deception. How grateful I am to God for bringing me out!

Confessions of a Former Word of Faith Pastor

As many of you know, for quite some time, I was a pastor in the “word of faith” movement. Back in September, 2014, I guest-hosted a Dividing Line broadcast where I shared something of an insider’s guide, as well as the powerful biblical truths God used to alert me to the gross deception. Since then, the youtube video has been viewed around 12,000 times. May the Lord continue to use it to lead His elect out of the movement and into His truth.