The World’s Map, History and Purpose

Here are three videos which are definitely not normally put together…

World Map

“All of us have seen a world map at some point in our lives before, but it is very difficult to imagine how certain countries and parts of the world compare to each other in size that are far apart. In this video, we explore why the world looks very different than how it is portrayed in the Mercator Projection map. We then explore how certain countries are unexpectedly larger or smaller than what they appear to be, and how some places look wildly different than our perceptions.”

World History (Year by Year)

The End & Purpose of the World

Those who walk merely by sight will almost always despair at the conditions in the sin-sick world around them. In this session, Dr. R.C. Sproul will remind us that the world ultimately exists to make manifest the glory of Christ. He will affirm that in the midst of our hardships or in the midst of decline, God is on His throne, working all things according to the good pleasure of His will. He will encourage us by saying that while we labor in God’s name, the Lord does indeed reign.

Timelapse Video : Western Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Montana, Southern California, Washington & Alberta Canada

Original Source:

Jesse Attanasio – “I am lucky enough to be employed by an incredible company that not only supports my passion in photography but allows my coworkers and I an immense amount of time off during the summer months. Every year I try to take full advantage of the time allowed and travel as much as possible. In 2014 I had one goal, to shoot as much landscape timelapse as I possibly could. Over the last 2 years I spent weeks exploring Western Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Montana, Southern California, Washington and Alberta Canada with that main goal still in mind. After those two years of traveling and “inhaling” experiences. I’ve picked through my favorites and put together this short film I call “Exhale”. Exhale is what I finally get to do after spending weeks planning, hours on the road, days processing and rendering so I can show what I’ve worked so hard on. Thanks for watching!”

Music Across Two Oceans – Big Score Audio