New Testament Greek Manuscripts

Greek03“Today we know of more than 5600 Greek New Testament manuscripts. Among these, 800 Pauline manuscripts, 700 manuscripts of Acts and the general letters, and about 325 manuscripts of Revelation. These numbers do not include the lectionaries, over 2000 of them, that are mostly of the Gospels. At the same time, not all the manuscripts are complete copies. The earlier manuscripts are fragmentary, sometimes covering only a few verses. The later manuscripts, however, generally include at least all four Gospels or Acts and the general letters or Paul’s letters or Revelation.”

– Dr. Dan Wallace (from the article “The Number of Textual Variants: An Evangelical Miscalculation“)

Tischendorf, Codex Sinaiticus and the Preservation of the Word of God

At the 2013 Eastern Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, held at LBTS, Dr. Dan Wallace presents his paper regarding Tischendorf and the Discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus.

In Session #2, Dr. Dan Wallace, in a lecture entitled, “Preserving the work of God” discusses the work of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.

How Badly Did Scribes Change the New Testament Text?

In former decades, the main question asked of the Bible was “Is it true?” Now it has become, “Did God really say that?”

Questions concerning the transmission of the text of Scripture used to be something only highly trained theologians needed to know. Yet now, because the attacks on the Bible are so mainstream, every Christian needs to know something about the issues involved. We need to know what we believe and why we believe it.

Dr. Dan Wallace, who many view as the leading textual scholar in our time helps us understand something of what we need to know: