Beware of Speculation

Beware of speculation. The Bible speaks with absolute authority about our past, our present and our future, but these precious truths are often hijacked by the speculators who will try to tell you that most of the things you read in your daily newspaper are fulfillments of Bible prophecy. Reading the newspaper with a Bible in hand is NOT the way to read either your newspaper or the Bible. Here’s what the Bible says about Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Brexit, the Paris climate agreement, China’s current economy, visa cards, the 2020 U.S. election, the pull out of U.S. troops from this nation or that – are you ready? It is the same as what is said about Obama, Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Saddam Hussein, Mikhail Gorbachev, Henry Kissinger and sheep farmers in the Australian outback.

It says, ‘NOTHING AT ALL!’

Now, telling you that is not exciting. It certainly does not sell books or DVD’s and will not draw a crowd. Telling you that actually seems downright dull in comparison to the speculators’ latest innovations. But telling you that may just keep you sane in this world.

The truth is that every biblical prophecy will come to pass. In contrast, the speculators are batting 0 for 1000 when it comes to their sham, half-baked predictions based on nothing but thin air and out of context Bible verses.

The faithful pastor will proclaim the truth of God’s word and will avoid speculation. He serves healthy sheep food not a hybrid steroid mix.

Speculators, on the other hand, make their entire living trade from just such invention, creativity and novelty. When nothing of what they say comes to pass in the time scale they said it would, they are simply silent and move on to the next verse they have discovered, yanked from its context.

Listening to the speculators will make you a fearful person – afraid to shop at the grocery store, too anxious to go outside and always feeling like the end is just around the corner. This fear paralyzes you so that you make no long term plans for yourself or your family – which itself is not what scripture commands. Instead of leaving you afraid, the Bible, rightly understood, informs us that God is in charge, history is His-story and provides courage and comfort, no matter what happens in this world.

Always ask yourself, ‘without the speculator’s secret knowledge and special insight would I read the Bible passage he is quoting in its context and come up with the same interpretation as this man?’ I think you already know the answer to that, don’t you?

Let me echo Bishop J. C. Ryle’s sound advice, given many decades ago when he said, “What is the best safeguard against false doctrine?’ – I answer in one word, The Bible: the Bible regularly read, regularly prayed over and regularly studied.”


Charles Spurgeon on “Words from the Lord”

Dear Brothers and Sisters, honor the Spirit of God as you would honor Jesus Christ if He were present! If Jesus Christ not there! Do not ignore the Presence of the Holy Spirit in your soul! I beseech you, do not live as if you had not heard whether there were a Holy Spirit. To Him pay your constant adorations. Reverence the august Guest who has been pleased to make your body His sacred abode. Love Him, obey Him, worship Him!

Take care never to impute the vain imaginings of your fancy to Him. I have seen the Spirit of God shamefully dishonored by persons—I hope they were insane—who have said that they have had this and that revealed to them. There has not, for some years, passed over my head a single week in which I have not been pestered with the revelations of hypocrites or maniacs. Semi-lunatics are very fond of coming with messages from the Lord to me and it may save them some trouble if I tell them once and for all that I will have none of their stupid messages. When my Lord and Master has any message to me He knows where I am and He will send it to me direct, and not by mad-caps!

Never dream that events are revealed to you by Heaven, or you may come to be like those idiots who dare impute their blatant follies to the Holy Spirit. If you feel your tongue itch to talk nonsense, trace it to the devil, not to the Spirit of God! Whatever is to be revealed by the Spirit to any of us is in the Word of God already—He adds nothing to the Bible, and never will. Let persons who have revelations of this, that, and the other, go to bed and wake up in their senses.

I only wish they would follow the advice and no longer insult the Holy Spirit by laying their nonsense at His door. 


“Prophecy” Today

Articles by Bob Gonzales who has served as pastor of four Baptist congregations and the Academic Dean and a professor of Reformed Baptist Seminary.

The Canon Is Closed: The Cessation of Special Revelation (here)

The Necessity of Scripture: Special Revelation Has Ceased (here)

Canonical Prophecy vs Congregational Prophecy: Wayne Grudem’s Argument (here)

OT Prophecy and NT Prophecy: Essential Continuity (here)