A False Dichotomy

It is a false dichotomy to say that we must choose between the moving of the Spirit OR the preached word of God. If I lived in the time of the early Church and lets say that the Apostle Paul came to my home church, I for one would not want to run around the building, dance, or sing a song 100 times, thinking we were all being “Spirit led.” I would want to sit quietly, reverently, listening to every word to hear the Spirit anointed word of God proclaimed, correctly and with power… and, I would want the exact same thing next time too, and the next. That IS the moving of the Spirit.

We miss the supernatural often times because we look only for the spectacular, and we dont realize what God does through the normal means of grace.

Lord, Pour out Your Spirit

“Pray daily for a great outpouring of the Spirit on the Church and on the world. This is the grand need of the day – it is the thing that we need far more than money, machinery, and men. The “company of preachers” in Christendom is far greater than it was in the days of Paul; but the actual spiritual work done in the earth, in proportion to the means used, is undoubtedly far less. We need more of the presence of the Holy Spirit, more in the pulpit, and more in the congregation, more in the pastoral visit, and more in the school. Where He is, there will be life, health, growth, and fruitfulness. Where He is not, all will be dead, tame, formal, sleepy, and cold. Then let everyone who desires to see an increase of pure and undefiled religion, pray daily for more of the presence of the Holy Spirit in every branch of the visible Church of Christ.” – J.C. Ryle

“The question of gifts is entirely within the sovereignty of the Spirit and that because of that we should always be open, in mind and in heart, to anything that the Spirit of God may choose to do in His sovereignty.” – Martin Lloyd Jones

“When the Holy Spirit is poured out in a day of power the result is bound to affect whole communities and even nations. Conviction of sin, an anxiety to possess the Word of God, and dependence upon those truths which glorify God in man’s salvation, are inevitable consequences.” – Ian Murray

Concerning Spiritual Gifts and Cessationism

Both of these men (Doug Wilson and Mark Driscoll) have been subject to much attack in recent exchanges on the internet. I am well aware of that and don’t wish to rehash those issues here. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see such an interesting and intelligent discussion take place between the two, which I thought could perhaps be helpful to many who might listen in on their conversation. Doug Wilson is asking the questions and Mark Driscoll is answering.

Doug Wilson Interviews Mark Driscoll | Part II – Spiritual Gifts & Cessationism from Canon Wired on Vimeo.