This online resource is an excellent way to interact with the Greek text of the New Testament with advanced searches, parsing, interlinears, etc. It’s only $10 for lifetime access, and can do most of the things that you’d pay hundreds of dollars for elsewhere. (The price goes up to $14.99 on May 1).
You can try it for free at ESV Online, under the Content tab. Or you can purchase it at
You can see a video introduction and some explanation below:
ESV GreekTools from Crossway on Vimeo.
ESV GreekTools puts the original language of the New Testament into the hands of beginning and advanced students, as well as seasoned pastors, scholars, and laymen looking for an affordable and accessible Greek reference tool. Intuitive, easy-to-use, and fully customizable, ESV GreekTools is an online application available through the platform. Now you can do serious work with the Greek text, at home or on the go, no matter your level of proficiency. Continue reading