(1) This article describes the intellectual journey of a man troubled by evolution as it relates to the book of Genesis.
(2) University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones at this link.
(1) This article describes the intellectual journey of a man troubled by evolution as it relates to the book of Genesis.
(2) University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones at this link.
Two Talks:
1. For Teens: In this popular video, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he’s constantly asked. Over a dozen “hot topics” are answered.
At this link.
2. The Ultimate Proof of Creation – Dr Jason Lisle
Text: Genesis 1:1-28
Since Charles Darwin first penned his book “Origin of Species” in 1859 (full title: “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”), there has been a vicious, unrelenting attack on Genesis 1-11. Yet, the truth of God’s word stands. Jesus affirmed Genesis as literal history and our very salvation rests on its foundation. Here’s why?