
Dr. Jason Lisle conducts a number of lectures on the theme of origins at Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE (2019):

Understanding Genesis

Secrets of the Cosmos that Confirm the Bible

The Solar System Declares the Glory of God

The Ultimate Proof of Creation

Science Confirms Biblical Creation

The Secret Code of Creation

Questions and Answers

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin

While there is much I would disagree with in this discussion, the conversation between the three gentlemen here (David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer) is certainly fascinating. Peter Robinson poses the questions.

My takeaway – Evolution is a theory in crisis. Actually, it is stone cold dead in the water.

“How cleanly and quickly can the (scientific) field get over Darwin, and move on? This is one of the most important questions facing science in the twenty-first century.” – David Galernter, Claremont Review of Books