Once a theory in crisis, now in crisis without even a theory…

Evolution was once a theory in crisis, now evolution is in crisis without even a theory. Darwin’s theory of evolution through “slight, successive” changes is successively reaching extinction one genetic research paper at a time. The Joint International Turtle Genomes Consortium further demonstrates how advances in biotechnology, rather than supporting, continue to demolish the prospects for a comprehensive theory for evolution. The turtle remains an enigma, but only for the evolutionist. See this article here: http://www.darwinthenandnow.com/2013/05/turtle-genome-insight-into-more-evolution-problems/

Friday Round Up

(1) There’s a variety of resources in this week’s including such topics as preaching, Charles Spurgeon, free will, church history, the church, music, faith, and more.

(2) There are two books which outline where the American culture is and where it is heading in no uncertain terms. This review by Starr Meade introduces them.

(3) Its important for all parents to think about what the movies children watch are teaching about gender roles in society. Colin Stokes asks some pertinent questions in this recent TED Talks video (approx. 13 minutes):

(4) Is a belief in particles-to-people evolution really necessary to understand biology and other sciences? Get answers here.

Does Bacteria ‘Evolve’?

Ken Ham writes:

Over the years, I have found that many students have been brainwashed into believing evolution because their teachers and professors supposedly showed them that bacteria evolve. Sadly, most students don’t know the right questions to ask in response, and most teachers and professors themselves don’t understand the nature of what is really happening at a molecular level with bacteria.

AiG molecular geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom recently wrote a blog post to follow up on articles she has written on this topic. Because she knows the right questions to ask, Dr. Purdom is able to show that when one truly understands what is happening at a molecular level in regard to changes observed in bacterial function, it is easy to see that this has nothing—nothing—to do with molecules-to-man evolution. Reading through this article will also help you understand why young people can be so easily brainwashed into evolutionary thinking by their professors.