Sovereign Election, Human Responsibility, Evangelism and the Gospel

These two messages by Dr. John MacArthur are exceptional. Taken from the recent the two sessions I make mention of here seek to provide biblical answers to questions such as “How are we to harmonize divine sovereignty with human responsibility? How can we understand that salvation is a matter of God’s will and God’s choice and God’s purpose, and God’s timing, and at the same time, make man in any sense responsible for what happens? How do we harmonize the issue of divine sovereignty and human responsibility with our evangelistic duty.”

I am delighted that these teaching sessions have now been made available in this way and I hope a great many people take the time to watch them. Get ready for deep insights into God’s word, the fruit of a lifetime of service from Dr. MacArthur.

As each of us learn and inwardly digest the contents, I am confident that the biblical truths learned here will have deep and profound effects as to how each of us conduct Christian ministry helping us become more informed and effective servants of Christ. I cannot recommend these videos highly enough.

Part 1 – An Introduction to the Sovereign Gospel (44 minutes) – found here.

Part 2 – An Explanation of the Sovereign Gospel (45 minutes) – found here.

(Full transcripts of the messages are available at the above links also)

EE-TAOW! (The Mouk Story)

“And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” – Revelation 5:9

This (below) is without question, the most powerful and dramatic Christian video I have ever seen. The story of how an unreach people group (the Mouks) were reached by the Gospel is a wonder to behold. The intricate and detailed care and planning that went into their evangelization is a tremendous eye opener, as is the way that the Gospel was taught to them, line by line, precept upon precept. Then to watch as the Bible story unfolds and the Cross and resurrection of Christ is proclaimed, and to witness an entire tribe coming to Christ – well, it never fails to move me deeply to see it.

Though this video was made some years ago, I sincerely believe that any Christian who has a heart to reach others with the Gospel will be very much inspired by watching this, and if someone does not already have such a heart, God may well use this as a means to stir that desire to reach others.

EE-TAOW (The Mouk Story) from oliver wong on Vimeo.

Here in this second video (below), we witness the next chapter in the amazing story – how the Mouks then reached out to other tribes around them with the Gospel:

EE-TAOW (The Next Chapter) from oliver wong on Vimeo.