Evangelism and Apologetics

Dr. Tim Keller recently spoke (February 8-11, 2012) at the Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union in England. There’s around 6 hours of video material here concerning the claims of Jesus Christ:

1.A Skeptical Student Encounters Jesus
2.The Insider and the Outcast Encounter Jesus
3.Two Grieving Sisters Encounter Jesus
4.A Wedding Party Encounters Jesus
5.The First Christian Encounters Jesus
6.Tim Keller Responds to Oxford’s Questions

Found here.

But I thought Calvinists never evangelize….

Here’s a wonderful photo of my friend Justin Edwards preaching the Gospel (and handing out Gospel Tracts) to the passing crowds at the Superbowl last week. He and his team spent 4 days at the event reaching out to people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. They did not watch the actual game. They were there on a mission.

Here’s a wide angle view:

I’ve just had good news too – the publisher for my book in paperback has agreed with my request to allow a certain percentage of book sales for “Twelve What Abouts” to go towards printing Gospel tracts in India.

Travailing for souls

“As soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children.” Isaiah 66:8

“If any minister can be satisfied without conversions, he shall have no conversions. God will not force usefulness on any man. It is only when our heart breaks to see men saved, that we shall be likely to see sinners’ hearts broken. The secret of success lies in all-consuming zeal, all-subduing travail for souls. Read the sermons of Wesley and of Whitfield, and what is there in them? It is no severe criticism to say that they are scarcely worthy to have survived. And yet those sermons wrought marvels…

In order to understand such preaching, you need to see and hear the man, you want his tearful eye, his glowing countenance, his pleading tone, his bursting heart. I have heard of a great preacher who objected to having his sermons printed, ‘Because,’ said he, ‘you cannot print me.’ That observation is very much to the point. A soul-winner throws himself into what he says. As I have sometimes said, we must ram ourselves into our cannons, we must fire ourselves at our hearers, and when we do this, then, by God’s grace, their hearts are often carried by storm.”

C. H. Spurgeon, “Travailing for Souls,” 3 September 1871. Italics original.