I was interviewed this morning (April 15, 2014) on the “Knowing the Truth” radio broadcast with Kevin Boling as we talked about the doctrine of election, reprobation, Christ and the Cross, responding to a new book by Austin Fischer “Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed.” The 55 minute program is available to hear/download here.
Category Archives: Election & Predestination
5 Hours on the Dividing Line
As you might already be aware, for the last couple of weeks I have had the distinct honor and privilege of hosting Dr. James White’s “Dividing Line” broadcast while he was away on a ministry trip to Europe. For those of you would wish to have all five youtube videos at one internet link, view here they are:
Hour 1. “Law and Gospel.”
Hour 2. “The Five Solas of the Reformation.”
Hour 3. The “T” in the TULIP, “Total Depravity:
Hour 4. The “U” in the TULIP, “Unconditional Election.”
Hour 5. The “L” in the TULIP, “Limited Atonement.”