Before we move on…

Before we move on from the hoopla concerning Rob Bell and his “Love Wins” book (and I would really love to do so), we need to make sure that we as Christians know how to defend the truth. Universalists are seeing Bell’s book as a victory for their cause and to see the book in the Christian community and in Christian bookstores means that it is something we will have to deal with for some time.

Sadly, deceived people, deceive people, and the deception of universalism is gaining in roads into the Church in our day – the inevitable result of man centered religion that stresses the love of God to an extreme. That’s usually what heresy is – truth taken to an extreme.

A little knowledge of Greek can be a dangerous thing and Rob Bell’s handling of the text of Scripture is deplorable, but left un-challenged, it can be used as a tool of deception. Heresy is not a victimless crime.

Greek scholar, Dr. James White has served us all by providing commentary answering the most poignant part of Rob Bell’s book here:

Stay Safe People!

Acts 20: 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert…

Part of a shepherd’s job is to make sure that those under his care remain safe from the predators who seek to devour them. Most of the time the threat comes from false doctrine. Sometimes it comes from false teachers who seek to devour the sheep financially with all sorts of gimmicks using pshychological pressure and Christian lingo. However, over the last decade or so, a new threat has emerged, namely the online predator who seeks to steal either a person’s identity or their savings, or both.

I just came across this information online and if it helps even one person to stay safe on the internet, it will be more than worthwhile me posting these brief words. An anonymous hacker has offered some very practical tips on how to protect yourself online here.

Stay safe people!

HT: Justin Taylor

Clever Deceptive Speech

John Charles Ryle (1816 – 1900) was the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool, in the Church of England. Before his conversion to Christ, he was an athlete who rowed and played Cricket for Oxford.

He became known as an warm hearted and engaging defender of the Christian faith; a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. In reading his material, it is amazing how relevant his insights seem to be for our own day.

“J. C. Ryle Quotes” is an online treasure store of quotes from the great man. Here is one regarding the characteristics of false teachers and the clever, deceptive traits of false doctrine. We should always remember that deceived people, deceive people:

Many things combine to make the present inroad of false doctrine peculiarly dangerous.

1. There is an undeniable zeal in some of the teachers of error: their “earnestness” makes many think they must be right.

2. There is a great appearance of learning and theological knowledge: many fancy that such clever and intellectual men must surely be safe guides.

3. There is a general tendency to free thought and free inquiry in these latter days: many like to prove their independence of judgment, by believing novelties.

4. There is a wide-spread desire to appear charitable and liberal-minded: many seem half ashamed of saying that anybody can be in the wrong.

5. There is a quantity of half-truth taught by the modern false teachers: they are incessantly using Scriptural terms and phrases in an unscriptural sense.

6. There is a morbid craving in the public mind for a more sensuous, ceremonial, sensational, showy worship: men are impatient of inward, invisible heart-work.

7. There is a silly readiness in every direction to believe everybody who talks cleverly, lovingly and earnestly, and a determination to forget that Satan often masquerades himself “as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

8. There is a wide-spread “gullibility” among professing Christians: every heretic who tells his story plausibly is sure to be believed, and everybody who doubts him is called a persecutor and a narrow-minded man.

All these things are peculiar symptoms of our times. I defy any observing person to deny them. They tend to make the assaults of false doctrine in our day peculiarly dangerous. They make it more than ever needful to cry aloud, “Do not be carried away!”

~ J.C. Ryle

Warnings to the Churches, “Divers and Strange Doctrines”, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1967], 76, 77.