Augustine v. Russell in Debate (kind of)

This is a recording of a moderated debate between Dr. Carl Trueman, representing the historic Christian faith as espoused by Aurelius Augustine, and Chad Trainer, Chairman of the Board of the Bertrand Russell Society, representing the agnostic/atheistic worldview as espoused by Bertrand Russell.

Topic: The Satisfied Life

Saints and Skeptics, Part 1 from Westminster Theological Seminary on Vimeo.

Saints and Skeptis, Part 2 from Westminster Theological Seminary on Vimeo.

A Debate on the Continuation of Prophecy

Below is an hour-long debate/discussion between Ian Hamilton (Cambridge Presbyterian Church; Cambridge, England) and Wayne Grudem (Phoenix Seminary, Arizona) on the role and continuation of prophecy in the church today. Adrian Reynolds moderated the discussion, which took place at Proclamation Trust‘s 2010 Evangelical Ministry Assembly (EMA).

EMA 2010: discussion about prophecy from The Proclamation Trust on Vimeo.