My Sad Robin Williams Story

Robin_WilliamsMy publisher, Michael Gaydosh writes:

Some years ago I received a call from someone seeking help picking out books for a man she was witnessing to. After a few minutes she informed me that the man she had in mind was none other than ROBIN WILLIAMS. After giving her suggestions she let me know that she and her husband were seeing some genuine interest in him. In fact, when he was in NY he would attend Redeemer Presbyterian Church and in Toronto a Reformed Baptist Church. She told me he liked those churches because they both treated him like a sinner and not a celebrity. I asked her if I could include a copy of the book A PASTOR’S SKETCHES by Ichabod Spencer along with a personal note from me. This was done and all the books were shipped to this lady.

About three weeks later Susie and I were in CT with Rachel and her family when the phone rang. It was Robin Williams calling to thank me for the book and for the note I included. He was very humble, very appreciative and very different from the man I had always seen and heard on TV and in the movies. We talked perhaps five minutes and I told him more about the book I had sent him. He had already begun to read it and he showed a sincere interest in spiritual things. The call ended and I never heard from him again but the woman called me some six months later to say that Robin had cut off his relationship with them because his wife (I believe that was # 2) demanded him to do so. Next thing I knew he put himself into rehab, and then that marriage ended. The Lord alone knows THE REST OF THE STORY, but all of that came back to me this week when I heard of his tragic death at his own hands.

So sad, so very sad.

King’s Church, Phoenix, has a New Location

Beatitudes24Apr13_8008-V2We are very excited to announce that this coming Sunday marks our first Church service in our brand new location, the Beatitudes Campus, 1610 W. Glendale Ave, Phoenix AZ 85021. We’ll be meeting in the East Board Room at 11:00 a.m.

If you are in the Phoenix area, we would love to see you. Bring a friend. All are welcome!

On the Dividing Line Today…

UK and Ukraine) and he has asked me to host his popular live internet program called “the Dividing Line” today (4 p.m. MST; 6 p.m. EST at Actually, I may well be hosting multiple shows while James is away. Obviously, this is very much a HUGE honor and privilege.

Please be praying for James on his ministry travels; and for me, that the Lord will grant to me boldness and precision in proclaiming the word of God on the broadcast.