“Can we now stop talking about the United States as a ‘Christian Nation’ so that we can get back to preaching the Gospel to pagan Americans?”
“Politics is NOT the power of God unto salvation, the Gospel is!”
How Should Christians Respond to the Changes in Culture?
When you behold the direction the culture is taking, do not ever let anger get the best of you. Recognize that not only does God have a specific purpose in it but that part of that purpose is to make a clear distinction between truth and falsehood. It may even have the positive effect of clearing out the false believers in our ranks. When the world sees more of the genuine article, by God’s grace, they will probably be more interested in what we are all about. So the political and social situation should never have us change the core message of the gospel. The Apostle Paul said, when in prison, “the gospel is not chained”. We can observe this phenomenon in more recent history when we see nations such as China who had the greatest revival in the history of mankind under the severe persecution of Chairman Mao. We should learn from this that no government or culture will EVER stop the advance of the kingdom of God. So while God would have us always to promote righteousness in every sphere, including the way we vote, our hope does not find its root there, not even by a long shot. Our hope is in Jesus Christ who is coming to judge the living and the dead.
Yet because of our hostile culture, many evangelicals may feel intimidated, and have decided to turn to the safety of “deeds not creeds,” in order to avoid being called judgmental. Do not let such philosophy persuade you. Words are the most critical part of the message of the gospel and faith comes through hearing. The proclamation of the gospel must include a robust declaration of the fall, a recognition of human depravity, a repenting of all self-righteousness and trusting in Jesus Christ alone. In these jars of clay God has deposited the message which is the only solution to the world’s problem. This is all by the grace of God. We are by no means better than others just sinners like them, pointing to the water of life.
– John Hendryx. monergism.com