7 Charismatic Deceptions


1. Charismatics proclaim a two tiered Christianity – those with and those without the Spirit
2. Charismatics listen for disembodied voices apart from Scripture
3. Charismatics preach about what these disembodied voices tell them, apart from Scripture
4. Charismatic experience has supremacy over Scripture
5. The Charismatic’s (subjective) feelings is the gauge by which (objective) Scripture is interpreted
6. Unity is based on shared experiences rather than true doctrine about God and the true Gospel
7. Charismatics embrace flagrant heretics as brothers and sisters at the expense of the true God and the true Gospel

Exposing the Deception of the Word of Faith

★SHOW 1: Justin Peters interviews Costi Hinn (who is Benny Hinn’s Nephew) about his testimony on how he LEFT the: Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel– AND they talk about the “Sovereign Grace of God” in his life of how the Lord mercifully opened Costi Hinn’s eyes (and his wife’s eyes) to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ.

Charismatic Movement: Defining Key Terms | Justin Peters & Costi Hinn – SO4J-TV | Show 2

★SHOW 3: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) examine the New Testament “Gift of Healing”, and expose the false “Healings” happening in the church today that claim to be a work of the Spirit. They discuss some of the misconceptions of Cessationism, especially as it relates to the miraculous “Gift of Healing”. Justin then explains the purpose of the gifts and the true work of the Spirit in regenerating us and conforming us into the Image of Christ.

★SHOW 4: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) speak on: How can God be both GOOD & SOVEREIGN with so much SUFFERING in the world? This is one of the-age-old-questions but one of which followers of Christ need not be afraid. In this installment of their series, Costi Hinn and Justin Peters discuss how we are to understand God’s Goodness and His Sovereignty (Rom 8:28) in light of: Suffering, Persecution, and Sickness (2 Cor 11:23-30, 2 Cor 6:4-10). Trials are not meant to be enjoyed, but we as Believers may count them as Joy as they serve to conform us into the Image of Christ. (James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 4:12-14, Romans 8:29)

★SHOW 5: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Are the Word-Faith/New Apostolic Reformation movements in error on secondary issues or do they actually qualify as heretical? In this program Costi Hinn and Justin Peters demonstrate that these movements actually teach a very different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible. Christology is not a secondary issue. A different Jesus constitutes a different gospel. This program will show why you should be very concerned if you have a friend or family member in this movement. Souls are truly at stake.”

★SHOW 6: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Problem Bible Verses— Scriptures that are often Twisted, Misinterpreted, and taken out of its proper Context. It is not that False Teachers never refer to the Bible– they do! The problem is that they Twist Scripture & take Bible Verses out of their proper Context and thereby distort their meaning. In this program Costi Hinn and Justin Peters discuss Bible Verses that are commonly misused by: Word of Faith / NAR [New Apostolic Reformation] preachers such as ISAIAH 53:4-5, “By His stripes we are healed,” and JOHN 14:11-12, “Greater works than these,” etc. that would SEEM to support that it is ALWAYS God’s Will to be healed AND that we as believers should regularly be performing incredible Miracles. Costi and Justin will show, HOWEVER, that these verses have been TWISTED to mean something they simply do NOT mean, and then they will discuss the TRUE meaning of these verses. When we know God’s Word rightly, we will know HIM rightly.

★SHOW 7: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) answer: What Tactics do Faith Healers use to manipulate people at Healing Crusades? How do Faith Healers use Music to manipulate people? Is anyone actually miraculously healed at a Benny Hinn crusade or is it Fake? Justin Peters & Costi Hinn discuss these Issues– as well as Costi Hinn also ANSWERS some of the CRITICISMS he has received since he LEFT the Prosperity Gospel and his Uncle Benny Hinn’s ministry.
★Justin and Costi also share that they BOTH wish they did NOT have to WARN about FALSE TEACHERS and would rather just talk about the GOSPEL, but as the Book of Jude rightly talks about in Jude 1:3-4 it is unfortunately “necessary to do so”. This last show in this series ends with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as shared from Costi Hinn.