Taking the “Cannots” Seriously

In the debate between monergists (those who believe only one power is operative in regeneration, namely God’s power alone) and synergists (those who believe more than one party is at work in regeneration, namely God and man) I believe it is fair to say that only the monergist takes the “cannots” of the Bible seriously. Though man can do a great many things, Scripture is clear as to his limitations. Just as it is impossible for man to jump to the moon or run a mile in less than a minute, so it is outside of man’s natural capabilities to do certain spiritual things.

In John chapter 3:3-5, Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

Jesus made it clear that unless someone is first born again, he CANNOT enter or even see the kingdom of God. The monergist affirms this. The synergist does not. Rather, the synergist embraces a scheme that has non born again people seeing and entering the kingdom in order to be born again.

In John 6:44, Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.”

Jesus made it clear that no one (a universal nagative) has thew ability to come to Him unless drawn by the Father. He also affirmed that the one drawn in this way is raised up to eternal life, such is the power of this drawing. Monergists affirm this effectual drawing on the Father’s part. Synergists do not. Instead the synergist believes that someone drawn in this way can indeed be lost – that in the three stages of drawing, coming and being raised up to eternal life, many fall through the cracks. Continue reading

Election and Predestination: Adrian Rogers v. James White

Dr. Adrian Rogers is now in glory. He has left a wonderful legacy in the cause of Christ. Without question, speaker and author in the Body of Christ. I have a great deal of respect for him. That does not mean I always agreed with him.

On the subject of Divine election and predestination, I and many others would have loved to see Pastor Rogers engage in a publicly moderated debate which allowed for cross examination. I believe it would have been incredibly helpful for people to see the two sides represented in a respectful and formal setting, where rhetoric can be examined and arguments evaluated in the light of Scripture. Alas, Pastor Rogers was never interested in such an exhange. However, all is not lost and the next best thing is for someone to take Dr. Rogers’ own words on the subject and then provide a point by point response or rebuttal. Some years ago (while Adrian Rogers was still with us) Dr. James White did exactly that. I remember finding the “interchange” extremely useful.

I am glad to see this exchange now available on youtube video. If you can carve out an hour and a half to view this (below), I believe you will find this to be a fruitful use of your time. I recommend this highly. It is so important we examine our traditions in the light of Scripture.

Divine Election Explained

This is what happens when a gentleman with a sincere question about election approaches Paul Washer (unannounced) and someone else has a video camera standing by ready to record. In spite of the sound quality issues (thankfully the entire conversation is readable in subtitles on the screen), I am sure the explanation given here can be helpful for many people: