Published and Now Shipping

“After finishing a sermon from Ephesians 1, I was immediately confronted by three hostile young visitors who asked the question, ‘What about John 3:16?’; as if the Bible contradicted itself. This non-thinking, non-theological, feelings-oriented mindset is typical of today’s postmodern generation. Pastor Samson has given us a warm and simple (without being simplistic) introduction to the Doctrines of Grace, so this type of ignorance can be biblically combated.This book is a very helpful tool to give to a young Christian or to someone newly encountering the truths of free and sovereign grace. Distribute it widely.” – Earl M. Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana

I have the paperback proof in my hands and am very pleased with how the new book looks. It has a very attractive front and back cover and the print is large enough to read (my mother loves this aspect), and at 160 pages, it can be read in just a short time. I hope that in time the book will come to be something of a Pastor’s or Bible Teacher’s “best friend” in terms of having something simple, clear and easy to read available for those who struggle with the very weighty issues of God’s Sovereignty in salvation.

You can buy it direct from the publisher here.

How an Author Feels

I have never visited South Africa. In fact, I was told that a bookstore in Pretoria, South Africa has just pre-ordered 10 copies of my new book. I am sure that for many, this is very unremarkable news. For me, to learn of this was a delightful surprise.

In around 10 days “Twelve What Abouts” will be published in paperback form. I am excited, anxious and hopeful, all at the same time. I really wish that the book will become a rich source of blessing to His precious people. Near and far and in villages, towns and cities I might never get to, perhaps God may be pleased to use this book to cause many of His saints to know His word better, and even beyond that, draw them into an encounter with the Lord, as they experience His grace in a new and fresh way. If God were to do that, it would be so very wonderful.

Dan Phillips writes,

“Anyone who hasn’t had a book published shouldn’t be expected to understand how an author feels towards his oeuvres. It’s a little like being a parent: you want your child to do well. The difference is that a child is capable of taking what you’ve labored to give him and going far beyond what you’d hoped and dreamed, with his own God-given efforts… or he can turn it all to shame and pain. A book, on the other hand, has just what you’ve put into it. Then it’s up to God, marketers, reviewers, readers.

Those who love what the book is and does naturally want to see others discover and enjoy and profit from what they’ve found. Others just don’t want to hear of it anymore. It’s hard to understand how folks blame authors for being excited and invested; after all, if you weren’t passionately-committed, why would you bother to go through the hundreds (thousands?) of hours of effort to produce it? Yet some do…”

My Prayer:

Here’s my heart Lord and here’s my book – the book You graciously helped me to write. Not only have You sustained my life against many odds, You have saved me and shaped me in ways I never foresaw.

Just as Abraham was blessed with the miracle child Isaac, this book is something of a miracle too. You have helped me in ways only You know to give birth to a book, with content I could never have envisaged writing years ago. Through Your inner dealings with me, You shook my world to the core as I encountered You in ways I never imagined. Long before I ever set my hands to type on a keyboard, You shaped my life and my thinking by the revelation of Your word. I came to learn of Your mighty, effectual, all conquering grace, long after I first came to know You.

The journey has been a miracle of grace from start to finish. And yet, we are not finished. Only You know Your eternal purposes in all of this.

Now Lord, I present this book back to You. I place it on Your altar. Its Yours. Now, do with it all that You intend. Whether for many or for few, may it bless and instruct Your chosen ones, for Your glory alone. I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

Justin Edwards’ Review

Justin Edwards is one of the most passionate Christians I know. His love for the Lord is contagious, as is his passion to honor the truth of God’s word.

Justin is also a Calvinist with fiery evangelistic zeal. Having spent many days in open air preaching the Gospel of Christ at the Superbowl in early February, he is now hoping to head out to the summer Olympic Games in London to do the exact same thing. (Perhaps the Lord would lead you to get behind his vision to get there, both in prayer and finances).

Justin has just written a very encouraging review of my new book at this blog here.