
I continue to receive very encouraging feedback on the new book. Here’s an e-mail I received today from Don Double, one of England’s most prominent Christian Evangelists:

Dear John,

I want to thank you so very much for your book “Twelve What Abouts”. I am reading it in depth right now and enjoying it tremedously and finding it really helpful too. I’d like to say that I very much like your style which is what I would term ‘readable’ (for one with my limited academic background). You may be aware that when [my wife] Heather died, the big issue for me was me clearly seeing that ‘God is Sovereign’, thus helping me deal effectively with grief amongst many other things.

Trust you are doing well.

Praise the Lord!

A Love Affair with Books

Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) died earlier this week. His book, Fahrenheit 451 remains one of the most iconic works in American Literature. At home with his cats and collectables, Mr. Bradbury talks about how the book (as well as some of his other works) came into being and what has sustained his extraordinary career.