Meet Demari

Hello, My name is Demari Thompson. I am 16 and in the 11th grade. I enjoy playing guitar, writing songs and leading worship at my church. I currently attend an arts school where I study voice, musical theater, piano and other areas of performing arts.

I have an 18 year old sister who is currently a theater major at Grand Canyon University. My mother Cheryl is the greatest mother anyone could ever ask for. My life has most definitely not been perfect but I am 100% grateful for it. I never complain about the life I have because some people never get to experience life at all due to abortion. I believe anyway you slice it, abortion is wrong and always will be.

Now what about in the case of rape? Shouldn’t a person who never asked for a child have the right to have an abortion? Well that’s a good question and I have a good answer. No it is not an excuse. Let me tell you a story.

A women by the name of Arvetta, was raped by a friend of her family one day while she was sleeping. Later on because of that incident she found out the she had become pregnant. Now she had the choice to have an abortion, but she did not believe in murder so she kept the child. As it turned out that child grew up to be one of the nicest women you will ever meet. That women is now 57 years old, has 2 children and works as a nurse.

Now here’s the shocker, that woman is my mother. My Mom is an unplanned child. Now, if my grandmother had gotten an abortion, my mother would have never been born, and I nor my sister would have never existed. I tell you this not for you to feel sorry for me but to help you understand that good can come out of even the darkest situations. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

No matter how horrible rape is, after it’s done then the bad part is done. Don’t make it worse by killing the one good thing that can come from it.

Thank you for your time.


Questions about Abortion

I received this from someone earlier today:

“I am probably going to get flak for this but there have been two questions I have been dying to ask for over 30 years around abortion? First why is the church and government asking a woman to have a kid knowing full well they can’t afford them or in no way want them? What about the thousands of teenage pregnancies that occured because of a wild party or drunk night? What about the cost to society of bringing yet another unwanted kid in this crazy world?
Mainly like to know why they are against abortions yet at the same time support the arms race an nuclear war which will wipe out humanity? That does sound a bit hypocritical. Just a few thoughts. Feel free to comment. I consider myself a moderate an big brother has no right to tell us whether or not to keep a potential kid or not. I am however totally against abortions after 6 weeks.”

Here was my response:

1) Why is the church and government asking a woman to have a kid knowing full well they can’t afford them or in no way want them?

Answer: Well the current government is very pro abortion, but to answer your question: Because a child is infinitely precious, made in the image of God and does not deserve to die just because parents made foolish choices. For parents who cannot afford the child, there is such a thing as adoption. There are a great many adults who for various reasons are unable to have children and who would desperately love to have the joy of raising a child. They are on waiting lists for years just hoping that they are given the go ahead to adopt. Lack of finance is no excuse for murder.

2) What about the thousands of teenage pregnancies that occured because of a wild party or drunk night?

Answer: As above.

3) What about the cost to society of bringing yet another unwanted kid in this crazy world?

Answer: What about the cost to society of being murderers? Who said they are unwanted? You do.. and maybe their parents do, but not those who love children and would be overjoyed to raise a child in a loving atmosphere.

4) Why are they against abortions yet at the same time support the arms race an nuclear war which will wipe out humanity?

Answer: Actually, the idea about having nuclear weapons is to have such an arsenal available that no other nation would dare use their nuclear weapons against them. For example, the reason North Korea is NOT using its weapons against the USA right now as you are reading this, is because they know USA also has such weapons, enough to wipe them out. While having nuclear weapons, our hope and prayer is that they will never need to be used. The reason we sleep sound tonight in the USA is because thankfully, though many nations hate us, no one is insane enough as to take us on militarily with nuclear weapons for the simple reason that they know we have more than enough to retaliate, should such a thing occur. Believe me, if the USA discarded every nuclear weapon it has, and say Iran got one (or more)… the USA would not last another 24 hours.

Bear in mind too that to attack with a nuclear weapon is really a suicidal act, because that country (or their friends) would simply retaliate in like kind. To quote from one of Sting’s songs, “We share the same biology, regardless of ideology. What might save us, me, and you, is if the Russians love their children too.”

Being FOR LIFE means standing against abortion and (in this hostile world) having enough weapons on hand so that no one is foolish enough to send a nuclear weapon our way. There is no inconsistency… we just hope nuclear weapons never ever need to be used.

5) 6 weeks?.. Why would killing a 5 week old baby be ok?

Legitimate exceptions for abortion?

Justin Taylor has put together an article entitled “Exceptions for Abortion?” which contains much wisdom about this very sensitive subject. He writes:

I assume by now that most readers are aware of the controversy regarding comments by candidate Richard Mourdock, who is running for Senate, when asked about the issue, he responded:

This is that issue that every candidate for federal, or even state, office faces, and I too stand for life. I know there are some who disagree and I respect their point of view and I believe that life begins at conception. The only exception I have [for abortion] is in that case [where] the life of the mother [is threatened]. I struggled with it for a long time, but I came to realize that life is a gift from God. And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is something that God intended to happen.

President Obama, through a spokesperson, “felt those comments were outrageous and demeaning to women.”

There are many angles to this story, including media ignorance, media malfeasance, political clumsiness, bioethics, and Christian witness.

Many members of the media pounced on the story, reporting that Mr. Murdock said that rapes were intended by God. Al Mohler has an important commentary on this today. He writes:

The controversy over his statements reveals the irresponsibility of so many in the media and the political arena. The characterizations and willful distortions of Mourdock’s words amount to nothing less than lies.

A couple of liberal writers have recognized the same. See, for example, Kevin Drum’s “Richard Mourdock Gets in Trouble for His Extremely Conventional Religious Beliefs” and Amy Sullivan’s “Why Liberals Are Misreading Mourdock.” Continue reading