The Chosen (a review article)
“…we might imagine asking four professing Christians, ‘Why are you saved?’ They all answer that they are saved by trust in Christ, who died for their sins and rose again. The next question is posed: ‘Why did you trust in Christ?’
The Pelagian answers, ‘I came to Christ by my own free will.’
The other three say, ‘I came to Christ because the grace of God drew me.’
Another question is posed to these three: ‘Why did you come to Christ when many who hear the gospel do not?’
The Arminian Christian says, ‘I cooperated with the grace that God gives to everyone.’
The Lutheran Christian responds, ‘I did not resist the grace that God’s Word brings to all who hear it.’
The Reformed Christian answers, ‘God overcame my resistance and sweetly inclined my heart to believe God’s Word, so that I willingly came to Christ.’”
[Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology: Spirit and Salvation, vol. 3, Reformed Systematic Theology (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2021), 380]
“No doubt the church in the west has many new things to learn. But for the most part, everything we need to learn is what we’ve already forgotten. The chief theological task now facing the Western church is not to reinvent or to be relevant but to remember. We must remember the old, old story. We must remember the faith once delivered to the saints. We must remember the truths that spark reformation, revival, and regeneration. And because we want to remember all this, we must also remember-if we are fortunate to have ever heard of them in the first place-our creeds, confessions, and catechisms.” – Kevin DeYoung, The Good News We Almost Forgot- 13.