“… looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus”
“… looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus”
If I take a key out of my pocket and use it to scratch a rock found by the roadside, I have broken no law and I will not face any consequences.
If I go to an abandoned car dump site and take my key and scratch a trashed car there, people might say “hey, what are you doing?” but that’s about it…
If I go to a used car lot and use the key to scratch a used car, now I am guilty of a criminal offense.
But if I go to a Ferrari car lot and take the same key and scratch a brand new Ferrari, my punishment will now be WAY bigger – my guilt is intensified – and so is the punishment I will face.
Because of the value of the thing I sinned against… the value of the thing I scratched.
God is infinitely holy, infinitely valuable
There is no way to convey in human language the worth and value of this infinite God
Therefore any sin against an infinite God carries with it, infinite punishment.
And this is why, the value of Christ’s atonement for sinners on the cross is infinite.