By Tim Chaffey – (original source –
Tim Chaffey holds a master of divinity degree specializing in
apologetics and theology and a ThM in church history and theology from Liberty
University School of Divinity. He is content manager for Answers in Genesis’
attractions division.
From archaeology
to astronomy, evidence from many fields points to the veracity of God’s Word.
Though written in several genres and three languages by
approximately 40 authors with various backgrounds, writing styles, and
purposes, the Bible maintains a consistent message without contradicting
itself. At Answers in Genesis—the parent ministry of Answers magazine—our
statement of faith declares, “The 66 books of the Bible are the written Word of
God. The Bible is divinely inspired and inerrant throughout. Its assertions are
factually true in all the original autographs.” Those are bold claims, but how
can we be so confident?
Some people claim that the Bible
is riddled with errors. Their charges against Scripture generally center on
scientific and historical matters, such as the age of the earth, the origin of
man, and the evidence for the flood and other major events described in the
We cannot use the scientific
method to prove whether certain conversations took place, such as God
instructing Noah to build an ark. Nor can we use it to demonstrate whether a
historical event resulted in a spiritual truth, such as Jesus’ death on the
cross paying for our sins.
But while we can’t examine all
the Bible’s details by scientific or historical inquiry, we can investigate
plenty of evidence that corroborates biblical details.
Evidence for Biblical Veracity
have located scores of buried cities located precisely where the Bible
describes. Excavations have also uncovered an abundance of evidence for events
and individuals mentioned in the Bible. For example, several seals (or bullae)
belonging to King Hezekiah have been found, and in the past decade, another one
was unearthed just 10 feet (3 cm) from a seal that may well have belonged to
the prophet Isaiah, one of the king’s advisors. Furthermore, consistent with
the biblical accounts, ancient war records from Assyria detail Sennacherib’s
conquest of Judean cities and cryptically imply his unsuccessful siege of
Jerusalem. Critics challenge the historicity of certain biblical accounts, but
their arguments are often silenced by new finds.
Scientific evidence for the
Genesis creation and flood accounts abound within other disciplines as well.
Astronomical research on short-period comets in the solar system yields data
consistent with the biblical timeline. Because they break down relatively fast,
these comets cannot survive for millions, let alone billions, of years, as
evolutionists imagine.
The biblical flood account is
corroborated by geological evidence around the globe. The violently eroded rock
surface called the “Great Unconformity,” caused by the initial rising of the floodwaters
to cover the pre-flood land, is found across every continent. And only above
this “Great Unconformity” do we find all the rapidly buried and preserved
graveyards of megascopic fossilized animals and plants, representing the
destruction of all pre-flood animals and plants outside the ark, as described
in the biblical account. We find also the same rock layers spanning several
continents, indicating that they were deposited on a global scale at the same
Anthropological investigations
among ancient cultures have revealed hundreds of flood legends sharing an
uncanny number of details with the biblical record. Similar legends correspond
with the Bible’s account of man’s creation and fall and of Babel.
Biological research, particularly
in the field of genetics, has shown that one “kind” of animal (such as the dog
kind or cat kind) can never be transformed into another kind of animal over
time because it does not possess any mechanism to acquire the necessary new
genetic information to evolve into another kind. This observation that one kind
does not change into a different kind and that variation is only produced
within a kind matches Genesis 1, which repeatedly states that God made the
animals as distinct kinds, to reproduce “after their kind.”
Paleontologists have uncovered
dinosaur remains containing soft tissue and blood cells, which could not exist
in fossils that are millions of years old, as evolutionists assume. But these
finds are consistent with the biblical account of those bones being buried
thousands of years ago during the flood.
Divinely Inspired
addition to evidence from scientific disciplines, the Bible is filled with
unique proofs of being inspired by the Holy Spirit. Hundreds of detailed prophecies
were written centuries before the events they accurately described. For
example, just as the Old Testament foretold, the Messiah Jesus was born of a
virgin (Isaiah 7:14) in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), as a descendant of Abraham (Genesis 12:1–3), Isaac (Genesis 17:19), and Jacob (Genesis 28:14). He was betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9) for 30 pieces of silver that were used to
purchase the potter’s field (Zechariah 11:13).
Then he was mocked and ridiculed, pierced in his hands and feet, and lots were
cast for his clothing (Psalm 22:7, 16, 18). He died (Daniel 9:26) as a sacrifice for our sins and was buried
in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:8–10). After a short time in the grave, he
lived again (Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10).
In addition, the central events
described in Scripture—the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ—have as
strong historical support as any event in ancient history.
God Cannot Lie
these reasons and many others provide compelling evidence that the Bible is
true. However, even without these supporting evidences, we should believe the
Bible primarily because it is the Word of God. Since it is impossible for God
to lie (Titus 1:2), the Bible must be true in all that it
affirms. In fact, it is the Bible that reveals to us the proper grounding for
knowledge: God made us in his image with the ability to learn about him and his
world. And unless we base our thinking on the truths revealed by God, we
couldn’t prove anything at all.
the Lord Jesus Christ treated Scripture as being authoritative and without
error, stating that it cannot be broken (John 10:35) and citing it frequently to correct those
in error and respond to their questions (Matthew 12:1–8). Since he is the Son of God, we must
follow his example.
historical and scientific investigations offer strong evidence of the Bible’s
authenticity and reliability, they cannot prove the Bible to be true in its
entirety. But the Holy Spirit, given to all believers (2 Corinthians 5:5), grants us the ability to recognize
his Word (1 Corinthians 2:10–14),
instilling in us a steadfast confidence that the Scriptures he inspired are