Lordship Salvation

By the grace of God, when we come to faith in Christ as our Savior, we are coming to him to save us from both the guilt and power of sin. No one prays, “Lord save me from guilt and wrath but please leave me under sin’s power.” Right? That would be a clear indication of an unregenerate heart. So the very act of coming to Christ as Savior encompasses his Lordship. Wanting Christ to save us from sin’s power reveals that the Spirit has wrought repentance in that person.

Looked at from this perspective, Lordship salvation is undeniable.

– John Hendryx

Faith and Works in the Covenant of Works and Grace

How Faith and Works Operate in the Covenant of Works and in the Covenant of Grace – Francis Turretin

“Nor can it be objected here that faith was required also in the first covenant and works are not excluded in the second …. They stand in a far different relation. For in the first covenant, faith was required as a work and a part of the inherent righteousness to which life was promised. But in the second, it is demanded―not as a work on account of which life is given, but as a mere instrument apprehending the righteousness of Christ (on account of which alone salvation is granted to us). In the one, faith was a theological virtue from the strength of nature, terminating on God, the Creator; in the other, faith is an evangelical condition after the manner of supernatural grace, terminating on God, the Redeemer. As to works, they were required in the first as an antecedent condition by way of a cause for acquiring life; but in the second, they are only the subsequent condition as the fruit and effect of the life already acquired.”

This quote is taken from Dr. Robert Godfrey’s lecture on Church History (made available by Ligonier Ministries) entitled “A Survey of Church History, Part 4 A.D. 1600-1800 Scholastic Theology” starting around the 7:25 mark. The quote comes from Francis Turretin’s Institutes of Elenctic Theology, Twelfth Topic, Q. 4, #7, 2:191-92.

Starting Reformation Sunday


Having outgrown our present location at Palos Verdes…



13450 N. Plaza Del Rio Blvd, Peoria, AZ 85381 (Close to the 101 Freeway, just south of Thunderbird Road)

We will be using the beautiful facilities of Grace in the Desert Adventist Church, every Sunday and Wednesday.

Plenty of parking – the sanctuary comfortably seats 300 people – just 4.3 miles south of our current location.

Meeting times remain unchanged:

SUNDAY SERVICES: (Adult) Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m.

WEDNESDAY: Bible Study/Prayer: 7:00 p.m.