“Prophecy” Today

Articles by Bob Gonzales who has served as pastor of four Baptist congregations and the Academic Dean and a professor of Reformed Baptist Seminary.

The Canon Is Closed: The Cessation of Special Revelation (here)

The Necessity of Scripture: Special Revelation Has Ceased (here)

Canonical Prophecy vs Congregational Prophecy: Wayne Grudem’s Argument (here)

OT Prophecy and NT Prophecy: Essential Continuity (here)

Who Made You To Differ?

Excerpt from the sermon The Fruitless Vine by C. H. Spurgeon

It is grace, free, sovereign grace, which has made you to differ!

Should any here, supposing themselves to be the children of God, imagine that there is some reason “in them” why they should have been chosen, let them know, that as yet they are in the dark, concerning the first principles of grace, and have not yet learned the gospel.

If ever they had known the gospel, they would, on the other hand, confess that they were less than the least- the offscouring of all things- unworthy, ill-deserving, undeserving, and hell-deserving, and ascribe it all to distinguishing grace, which has made them to differ; and to discriminating love, which has chosen them out from the rest of the world. Great Christian, you would have been a great sinner if God had not made you to differ!

O! you who are valiant for truth, you would have been as valiant for the devil if grace had not laid hold of you! A seat in heaven shall one day be yours; but a chain in hell would have been yours if grace had not changed you! You can now sing his love; but a licentious song might have been on your lips, if grace had not washed you in the blood of Jesus! You are now sanctified, you are quickened, you are justified; but what would you have been today if it had not been for the interposition of the divine hand? There is not a crime you might not have committed; there is not a folly into which you might not have run.Even murder itself you might have committed if grace had not kept you.You shall be like the angels; but you would have been like the devil if you had not been changed by grace!