Ask Dr. Ferguson

On Tuesday, April 17, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson was a special guest for an “Ask Ligonier Team” event, answering biblical and theological questions live online.

Time Stamp for Questions:

What is the difference, if any, between ‘godliness’ and ‘holiness’? (1:06)
Which comes first in the Ordo Salutis (order of salvation)—faith or regeneration? (1:58)
How do I know that I am elect? How do I know my faith is genuine? (3:13)
How should I preach the doctrines of grace? (5:00)
How do you know if God has called you to be a pastor? (7:21)
Why should we pray if God has planned all things? (11:07)
What are the essential qualities of a Christian? (13:16)
How do we obey the moral law without being moralistic? (15:27)
What is the meaning of propitiation? (19:25)
How do we use the apocryphal books as Reformed Protestants? (22:10)
Will Christian who have been forgiven answer for their sins in judgment? (23:38)
Why did Jesus speak in parables? (28:15)
How do you explain the doctrine of election to an unbeliever? (30:47)
Do you have any advice for new ministers in the Bible Belt surrounded by a charismatic influence? (33:20)
In this day when the gospel is considered offensive and intolerant, how can I work without losing my job? (35:58)
What do you hope to see in ministers in the next 20 years? What advice would you give? (38:11)
What level of importance should church history have in my walk as a Christian? (39:09)
What is the greatest challenge in the church today? (40:47)
What book or resource would you recommend to a new believer? (43:09)
What is the best way to describe repentance to an unbeliever? (45:01)
Is suicide the unpardonable sin? (46:37)
What is the relationship between the Holy Spirit’s work and our effort in sanctification? (49:01)
If a new believer becomes paralyzed or brain dead and never shows “good works,” how do we know they are saved? (50:05)
Based on Acts 16:31, “believe…you will be saved…you and your household,” can we ask God to save our household? (52:44)
How would you relate the doctrine of adoption with the sacraments? (54:59)
Are all Christians called to be missionaries and/or do the work the work of missionaries? (58:04)
What are the pros and cons of formal church membership? (59:11)

Only One Race

Acts 17:26 – He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.

There is only one race – the human race. If there were more than one, in the Incarnation (when the Second Person of the Trinity took on human flesh) He would only be able become one of the races of man, and die in their place. Think about that. It would mean that Jesus could not claim to be the Savior of the world, but merely the Savior of one of the races in the world, taking on only their attributes and suffering in their place. However, it is because all mankind goes back to Adam and therefore there is only one race, that Jesus can save whoever calls upon Him. This is also why we as believers take the one gospel message (without any adjustment), to every one, whatever their skin color and wherever they are located in this world. Furthermore, this is why the Bible, rightly understood and applied, IS the answer to all forms of racism.

Note in contrast the title of Charles Darwin’s vastly influential but extremely flawed book, “On the Origin of Species” – except that this was not the full title. The full title is this: “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” It is simply historical fact that Evolutionary thinking provided the foundation for the Nazi idea of an Aryan “super” or “master” race and allowed them to eliminate (by the millions) others they thought were inferior or even hostile to progress.

And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” – Rev. 5:9,10

Lets dispense with the term “races.” There is only one race.

– John Samson

Exposing the Word of Faith

B.R.I.D.G.E. Ministries writes:

John Samson joins BRIDGE Radio again to give the testimony of his time and immersion in the word of faith movement for many years before leaving. John was not only a prosperity preacher but also a TBN host who was friends with well-known figures of the movement. We address the word of faith’s false teaching of the “little gods” doctrine, faith healing (1 Peter 1:24), and the right to riches as a Christian (John 10:10; Romans 8:32). John says, “I feel so much regret over being so caught up in this thing for years… and it is a comfort to my soul to perhaps be used to pull even one soul out of this deception…” and “This doctrine of the word of faith cannot stand up to Biblical scrutiny and Biblical context!” You will not want to miss this episode!