
It is often said that a picture paints a thousand words. How true this is in this case. The city where this photo was taken is Bangkok, Thailand and the little girl in the photo is called Lydia. Since the photo was taken, Lydia has now been adopted by an American Christian family. The gentleman holding her hand is actually her new father, Josh. You can see the photos of Lydia’s arrival in the USA here.

What a beautiful illustration this is for the Christian. Think about it. God actually chose you to be part of His family. You were not just a nameless, faceless person in the crowd. He chose you personally. He set His love on you in eternity past, before the world was ever made. God revealed this in His word, not to cause controversy amongst Christians. It is not in the least bit controversial to Him. He revealed this because as His child, He wanted you to know this truth. God forbid that it should be obscured from you. It is part of your inheritance to come to understand that He has had no momentary, temporary interest in you. God has loved you from eternity.

God did not have to tell us about His electing love, but there is no doubt that He has done so many times over. The reason for this is clear. He wanted you to know that He actually chose to save you. He did so for reasons known only to Him (though we know it was for no reason found in you at all). His choice was without conditions because born spiritual dead, there were no conditions you could ever fulfill. When you were without God and without hope in this world, God took the initiative in sending His Son into this world to do whatever was necessary to bring you to Himself. This is radical, overwhelming, all conquering love. Nothing could suceed in standing in His way. Once the choice was made, there would be no possibility of failure. Jesus said, “All that the Father gives to Me will come to Me” and He will raise them all up to eternal life (John 6:37-39). Not one will be lost. This is true for all of us who believe in Christ. Forever we will stand amazed by the grace we have found in Christ. Forever we will sing of His great love!

“In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” – Ephesians 1:4-6

Most Christians have not really grasped this amazing truth of their adoption in Christ. Many have heard about justification by faith alone, but far fewer have understood the doctrine of adoption. In a sermon entitled “God as Father: Understanding the Doctrine of Adoption” (based on Galatians 4:1-7), C.J. Mahaney speaks about some of the important connections and distinctions between the two: Continue reading

We Are Beggars: Martin Luther as Theological Pastor

Dr. Carl Trueman, whose new book The Creedal Imperative will be published this month, recently delivered three lectures on Martin Luther at Southern Seminary (September 11-12, 2012). Here they are:

Lecture 1: Theological and Biographical Foundations. Trueman looks at Luther’s life and how it shaped his theology, particularly his understanding of the cross.

Theological and Biographical Foundations from Southern Seminary on Vimeo.

Lecture 2: The Word in Action. Trueman starts by reflecting on the late medieval philosophies of language which dovetailed with Luther’s understanding of the Bible’s own teaching. This then provides the context for understanding why preaching was so central to Luther’s pastoral practice and also why he held such a high view of the sacraments.

The Word in Action from Southern Seminary on Vimeo.

Lecture 3: The Tools of the Trade. Trueman shows how Luther’s theology actually worked out in practice in terms of his liturgical and catechetical compositions. He also reflects on how some debates within the Lutheran leadership help to shed light on his understanding of the role of confession and repentance in the Christian life.

The Tools of the Trade from Southern Seminary on Vimeo.

HT: Justin Taylor

The Sufficiency of Scripture

I took the few minutes needed to read this sermon today. It did my heart much good.

The 25th Anniversary Sermon, May 23, 1993 by Dr. James Montgomery Boice


On a morning like this it is a temptation to reminisce over the quarter century of ministry I have had at Tenth Presbyterian Church. And I would do it, except for the fact that others have been doing it all weekend and in a much more complimentary way than I could myself— at least if I were to be honest. I could reveal a lot of things that the others are not aware of, including the disappointments and failures. But that would spoil things, and it is not what this weekend is about. It is certainly not what a worship service such as this should accomplish.

I remember that when John, the author of Revelation, fell at the feet of the angel of God to worship him, the angel replied, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!” (Revelation 19:10). So I remind you and myself that this is what we are about this morning.

And I direct you to God’s Word.
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