“Abortion is advocated only by people who have already been born.” – Ronald Reagan
“I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the Scripture than he dost.” – William Tyndale
“At the Synod of Dort, the churches saw Arminianism as a serious threat to the gospel and condemned it “as being in principle a return to Rome” (because in effect it turned faith into a meritorious work) and a betrayal of the Reformation (because it denied the sovereignty of God in saving sinners, which was the deepest religious and theological principle of the Reformer’s thought). Arminianism was, indeed, in Reformed eyes a renunciation of New Testament Christianity in favour of New Testament Judaism; for to rely on oneself for faith is no different in principle from relying on oneself for works, and the one is as unchristian and anti-Christian as the other.” – J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnston, “Historical and Theological Introduction,” in Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, trans. J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnston (Cambridge: James Clarke/Westwood, N.J.: Revell,1957, p. 59)
“The loudest boos always come from the cheapest seats.” – Babe Ruth
“Bring your beliefs to the test of the Scriptures, and you are likely to discover that it is much harder and more painful to unlearn some things than it is to learn new ones.” – A.W. Pink
“I am one of those old-fashioned ministers who believe the whole Bible and everything that it contains.” – J.C. Ryle
“A man who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” – James Crook
“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength.” – Eric Hoffer
“If things seem under control, you’re not going fast enough.” – Racer Mario Andretti
“In some places God requires newness of heart [Ezek 18:31]. But elsewhere he testifies that it is given by him [Ezek. 11:19; 36:26]. But what God promises we ourselves do not do through choice or nature; but he himself does through grace.”- Augustine
“Sin cannot keep you from the Grace of God but the Grace of God can keep you from sin.” – Unknown
“The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God.” – Hubert Van Zeller
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