The article I posted here by Nathan Busenitz on Saturday (September 24) has now been updated. It used to contain 20 quotes; now there are 30, and very importantly, now it includes the source references. Many thanks to Nathan for making this excellent article even better.
Monthly Archives: September 2011
180 Movie
Deeply impacting!
Its become something of a vastly overused and worn out cliche to say that something is “life changing”, but if there ever was a movie made which could lay claim to such a term, surely this is it. ‘180’ is our wake up call.
May God bless and strengthen Ray Comfort and all involved in this amazing project. Lets spread the word far and wide about this powerful movie and get it into the hands of as many people as we can.
“I give my unflinching, joyful, trembling Yes to ‘180’. Unflinching, because it’s right. Joyful, because it’s good. Trembling, because this our defeated enemy is still vicious.” Dr. John Piper – Bethlehem Baptist Church
“‘180’ is 33 minutes of video adrenaline, shock, and hope.” Kirk Cameron – Actor and TV Co-host
“Riveting!” Joni Eareckson Tada – Joni & Friends
“Mind-blowing and unforgettable!” Randy Alcorn – Eternal Perspective Ministries
“After viewing 180 last night one couple wanted to invest in a couple of thousand copies, and give them away in the surrounding neighborhoods near our church.” Trisha Ramos (TX)
“As one who was scheduled to be aborted, this astounding video struck me at my core that this is needed more now than ever. It is more than powerful…it is a vehicle of God’s voice to this generation, and must be seen!” Ron DiCianni
Here’s the 180 movie:
For more information or to order “180” on DVD, please go to this link.
Here’s one person’s outreach. He says, “Giving away 180 is easy, all you need are some DVDs and a servant’s heart.”
Among whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander
Pastor John, but now have shipwrecked it, we must conclude that one can lose true faith in Christ.
How would you respond to this claim? Is there more that can be said about these two men, besides, “Since other Scriptures teach perseverance, then we must assume that the faith of Hymenaeus and Alexander must have been a mere profession”?
I think the last sentence in your question does indeed go a long way towards answering your own question, though I believe much more could and should be said.
The 1 Timothy 1:18-20 passage reads:
This charge I entrust to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, among whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.
To fully exegete the passage would take far more space than a short blog article would allow for, but I would like to draw out a number of points from the biblical text.
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