Watch as R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Teaching Fellows Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, and R.C. Sproul Jr. engage in this round-table discussion (held on Thursday, May 19, 2011) covering topics such as dispensationalism, regeneration, sanctification, election, evangelism, the authority and inerrancy of Scripture and Harold Camping. Less than an hour in length, this video is very highly recommended.
Monthly Archives: May 2011
Friday Round Up
(1) Next Tuesday, May 24, God willing, I will be hosting a one hour live call in radio program on the Andrew Tallman show. Andrew is going on vacation and has asked me to fill in. The show can be heard live across the Phoenix area at 6 pm (9 pm EST) and also live on the internet (same time of course) at
(2) Thanks for your prayers for “The Thief on the Cross” Gospel tract outreach in Kerala, India over Easter. 10,000 tracts were handed out and the feedback has been most encouraging – a very good response among the Indian people. There is now a desire to have a further 10,000 to 100,000 tracts printed in the Malayalam dialect which would be spread amongst 50 Gospel workers and ministers. Pappy Daniel in India is currently seeking out the best price for getting the printing done. I will give an update with more details here as soon as I know more.
(3) Ligonier has some great deals today on some excellent material in this week’s $5 Friday sale here. Remember, if you decide to purchase material, you can claim a further 10% discount on these and on ALL Ligonier products as a reader of this blog by using the coupon code: EGRACE10
(4) Quote: “A man has been found guilty, is now in prison, awaiting his execution. A friend comes to visit saying, “I have good news for you!” Eagerly the condemned man asks: “What is it?” The answer comes: “Be good.” In that message there is not a shred of good news. Yet many a minister of Christ holds forth to sinners under the sentence of eternal death a precisely equivalent message as gospel.” – R. B. Kuiper
(5) This kinda says it all…
Stay in your field of expertise
Stephen Hawking (pictured) recently portrayed heaven as being a fairy tale. N. T. Wright reponded with a brief article in the Washington Post‘s On Faith blog:
“It’s depressing to see Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant minds in his field, trying to speak as an expert on things he sadly seems to know rather less about than many averagely intelligent Christians. Of course there are people who think of ‘heaven’ as a kind of pie-in-the-sky dream of an afterlife to make the thought of dying less awful. No doubt that’s a problem as old as the human race. But in the Bible ‘heaven’ isn’t ‘the place where people go when they die.’ In the Bible heaven is God’s space while earth (or, if you like, ‘the cosmos’ or ‘creation’) is our space. And the Bible makes it clear that the two overlap and interlock. For the ancient Jews, the place where this happened was the temple; for the Christians, the place where this happened was Jesus himself, and then, astonishingly, the persons of Christians because they, too, were ‘temples’ of God’s own spirit.
Hawking is working with a very low-grade and sub-biblical view of ‘going to heaven.’ Of course, if faced with the fully Christian two-stage view of what happens after death—first, a time ‘with Christ’ in ‘heaven’ or ‘paradise,’and then, when God renews the whole creation, bodily resurrection—he would no doubt dismiss that as incredible. But I wonder if he has ever even stopped to look properly, with his high-octane intellect, at the evidence for Jesus and the resurrection? I doubt it—most people in England haven’t. Until he has, his opinion about all this is worth about the same as mine on nuclear physics, i.e. not much…”
HT: The Resurgence