Assurance about lost loved ones

How does knowledge of the doctrine of election encourage/help those who are praying for lost loved ones? So many times, when discussing this doctrine for the first time, people feel discouraged and even desperate over the fact that someone that they love may or may not be elect. How can the truth of God’s election encourage someone who is praying that God will save a loved one?

I would like to answer your question by telling you a story from history. In the 4th century, there was a very devout Christian lady named Monica. She was married to a prominent man who did not share her Christian faith. He was often very cruel to her, causing her physical abuse. Every day she would go to the church and pray for his conversion. Later on in his life, he did in fact become a Christian.

Yet the pain and anguish her husband caused her seemingly paled into insignificance compared to that which she suffered because of her oldest son. Her mother’s heart was broken, time after time, seeing the reckless life her son was leading. He not only did not share his mother’s faith but would join himself to anti-Christian groups, using his sharp mind to seek to convince others to follow him. He lived a very immoral life. He had a mistress but left her for another and had a son born out of wedlock, named Adeodatus. Monica was not personally able to convince her son of the truth claims of Christianity, but she determined never to stop praying that he would turn to the Lord. Continue reading

Thanks for your prayers

Thanks for your prayers regarding tonight’s radio show. I think it went well. Callers asked some great questions and I think I was able to say enough to point people in the right direction biblically.

If you missed the show, you can hear it for the next month or so on a podcast click on the link for the show date of May 24, 2011.

One caller asked a question about 1 John 2:2 which I didn’t really have time to answer (with less than 90 seconds before the end of the show) and I promised I would post a fuller answer here before the end of the evening… so here we go. Three things might be helpful:

My article on 1 John 2:2 here.

…this article on John’s use of the word “world” here.

.. and Dan Phillips’ article here.

God bless – and please remember Thursday in your prayers when I host the show again. Thanks so much.

Tonight (and now Thursday)

In addition to tonight’s hosting of the Andrew Tallman show, I have just been asked to do the same on Thursday (May 26) also at the same time, case where I believe we will continue the theme of Divine election.

To repeat the details about how to listen in – the one hour show can be heard live across the Phoenix area on KXEG radio at 1360AM at 6:00 p.m. (9:00 p.m. EST) and also live on the internet (same time of course) at – (when you get there, click on the “Listen Live” button at the top of the page)

I would very much value your prayers. – John