This little blog of mine…

This week marks six months since this effectual grace blog started. What started as a little space in cyber space is now… still a little space in cyber space. However, its hard to believe that tens of thousands of different people have come this way over that time.

Back in December I wrote a yet as the six month mark is upon us, I would really like to hear from more of you. If you can take a moment or two to express your thoughts and feelings, I would really appreciate it. Of course the most important Person to please is God Himself. Josh Moody said it well, “When we are captivated with the religion of I, what matters is what other I’s think, not what the Great I Am thinks. We strive for heaven in order to impress earth, and heaven is not impressed.” That is so true. However, I want this blog to be a blessing to the people of God too, and there’s no harm in getting feedback from others; in fact, being open to listen to other people and their insights often allows us to become more pleasing to God also. The Holy Spirit, the great Sanctifier of the Church often uses the people around us to shape us into more Christlikeness.

So, please tell me what you think of this blog – your likes and dislikes. What would you like more of? What has been the most helpful thing? What has encouraged you? What have you found to be eye opening? What do you think can improve?

Fire away – but try to be kind. I bleed easily. 🙂

The Five Solas

A gentleman wrote to me suggesting I post the audio to the sermon “the Five Solas.”

I replied that the sermon is already available in the audio section on the blog.

His response, “But you need to remind them. Everyone should hear that sermon!!”

So, with that strong encouragement, here it is, again.

With Scripture alone as our sure foundation, we affirm that justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.