The Thief on the Cross (Italian Translation)

A short Gospel tract/article I wrote entitled “The thief on the cross” has been translated into Italian.

Il malfattore appeso in croce che Cristo salva

“Uno dei malfattori appesi alla croce lo insultava: «Non sei tu il Cristo? Salva te stesso e anche noi!». Ma l’altro lo rimproverava: «Neanche tu hai timore di Dio e sei dannato alla stessa pena? Noi giustamente, perché riceviamo il giusto per le nostre azioni, egli invece non ha fatto nulla di male». E aggiunse: «Gesù, ricordati di me quando entrerai nel tuo regno». Gli rispose: «In verità ti dico, oggi sarai con me nel paradiso»” (Luca 23:39-43).

Nel contemplare la scena della crocifissione di Cristo mi sono spesso chiesto che cosa avrebbero detto ai malfattori appesi accanto a Cristo gli esponenti delle religioni di questo mondo. Ecco un criminale, senza dubbio un peccatore, le cui cattive azioni, se poste su una bilancia, avrebbero di gran lunga pesato di più di quelle buone. Essere inchiodati ad una croce avrebbe escluso per lui qualsiasi possibilità di fare buone opere per guadagnarsi a quel punto la salvezza. Sarebbe davvero interessante sentire che cosa le religioni di questo mondo avrebbero potuto dirgli. In ogni caso, a parte forse l’universalista che afferma che tutti alla fine saranno salvati, indipendentemente dalle proprie opere (cosa incompatibile con l’insegnamento della Bibbia), ogni religione esigerebbe che quell’uomo, in qualche modo, procurasse di scendere dalla croce per fare qualcosa di “meritorio” e così essere salvato (qualunque cosa esse intendano per salvezza). Che cosa gli direbbe il portavoce dell’Islam? Che gli direbbe un Mormone o un Testimone di Geova? Che cosa gli direbbe un buddista? Che cosa gli direbbe il Cattolicesimo romano? (1).

Alcuni potrebbero dire che tutto ciò che avrebbe potuto fare è sperare nella misericordia divina, ma Cristo, il Cristo della Bibbia, gli dà molto più che una vaga speranza. A differenza da quanto i sistemi religiosi prodotti dall’uomo potrebbero dargli, Cristo lo assicura pienamente del fatto che sarà salvato, e questo non dopo innumerevoli anni nelle fiamme del purgatorio per purificarsi dai suoi peccati… Gesù lo assicura che quel giorno stesso sarebbe stato nella beatitudine del paradiso! Continue reading

Praying for Japan

You have rejected us, O God, broken our defences and burst upon us. You have been angry with us; now restore us to Your favour. You have shaken our land and split it open. Now mend its fractures and seal the cracks, for the land is quaking. You have been very hard on us and shown Your people desperate times. – Psalm 62:1-3 combined NIV NLT translation

Last night Japan experienced the biggest earthquake in its recorded history. The enormous tsunami that followed (20 feet high and traveling at 500 mph) was extremely devastating, consuming all in its way. Authorities are saying that there are possibilities of additional earthquakes and tsunamis for the next month.

There is warning of a large radiation leak and many other huge issues facing the nation, even as they seek to rescue those still trapped in the wreckage. Japan has issued a state of emergency at a second nuclear power plant after its cooling system failed as thousands evacuate from the area near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant with radiation levels surging to 1,000 times their normal levels. THE NEXT FEW HOURS ARE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL!! These power plants have to stabilize or else there will be further mayhem and disaster.

A mammoth relief mission is swinging into action in north-east Japan. Hundreds are already confirmed as dead with the number expected to rise dramatically as more information is gathered. Tens of thousands are still missing.

Please pray for the people in the Sendai area, and that God will use this to somehow point Japanese hearts to Christ. We know that He is sovereign, “sustaining all things with His powerful word” (Hebrews 1:3). He has a plan in all of this to use it for His glory and the eternal joy of the Japanese – we need to be prayer warriors for this right now.

The best up to the minute coverage seems to be found at the bbc world news website here.

Back in 2004, after a major tsunami, Dr. John Piper wrote the following article entitled “Tsunami, Sovereignty, and Mercy” which has great relevance to what is taking place here. It is only very slightly adjusted, as references to the specific 2004 disaster have been removed. Continue reading

Amazed By Common Grace

Common Grace. It is a term used in theology to describe the grace God gives to every living person on planet earth. It is called “common, but because everyone alive gets it.

Grace by definition can never be demanded. God gives grace, not because He has to, but because He decides to. The scripture says that God “makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45).

How gracious this is of God. God doesn’t discriminate against the non-Christian in sending His rain, but gives it freely to saint and sinner alike. That should amaze us. It should take our breath away in fact. Yet the concept of common grace doesn’t usually do that for us. We’re very much accustomed to it, because it is so common, but we must always remember that God is exceedingly gracious in dispensing this kind of grace on people. The point being, He in no way has to.

Through the use of a short story, I’d like to give you a glimpse into why common grace should amaze us.

The story concerns a young Christian lady of 18 years of age in York, England. Born in Malta, of Irish parents, she was engaged to be married to a bright young man in the British military. The plan was that after the war was over, they would both serve the Lord as missionaries together, wherever He would lead them to go.

Sent over to France on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the young man was thrust into the battle for the city of Caen in Normandy, France. Tragically, just weeks afterward, on July 10, 1944, he was killed by one of the enemies’ bullets.

On hearing the news of her fiance’s death, the young lady was obviously devastated. Grief filled her heart. In attending church services in York, for the next several months she would hear dramatic testimonies of Divine protection, as loved ones returned back home recounting the stories. All of these returning soldiers were protected from imminent danger. Many of these soldiers were extremely conscious of the Lord’s direct intervention in keeping them alive, and yet, the young lady had to live on knowing that the man she loved was not coming home. Continue reading