The entire Bible is inspired, starting with Genesis

God being absolute Truth, never lies and is incapable of lying. The Bible alone is the word of God. These twin truths have massive implications. Of all the books ever written, only the Bible is the breathed-out word of Almighty God. More than that, the entire Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God, from the very first word in Genesis to the very last word in Revelation. Therefore, Genesis 1-11 is just as inspired as any other portion of Scripture. What we read about Creation (in six literal 24 hour days), man’s origins, his subsequent Fall in the garden, the worldwide Flood in Noah’s day and the dispersion of people and language groups at the Tower of Babel, reference true, historical events.

In light of this, I was encouraged today to read the updated Answers in Genesis statement of faith, both for its clarity and its commitment to Scripture.

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