2 thoughts on “Interview with Justin Peters

  1. Bless God of His great mercy and love to reveal to you the error that you were in. How he has flooded the light on what you were into! God bless you!

  2. Thank you for sharing your conversion with Mr Peters, I was saved when I was 9 by a great Biblical discerning pastor but we moved away when I was 12. And from that point on the only time I’d hear anyone that preached the true gospel was when we’d go back to West Virginia for funerals. Yeah sounds strange. I was going to different churches and didn’t feel right in them, I’d never heard God’s voice, no one in my family had received blessing after tithing and just the overly gushy attitude of the members just felt off. I assumed it was me, I read the Bible and I’m hearing stories, each chapter and verse building towards the next and these folks were taking a single verse and applying to everyday issues. I thought it was me, I was the one that just didn’t get it, and I stopped trying. I considered myself a Christian, I knew everything I was doing in college was sinful but in church I didn’t feel what I was told I should be feeling. This went on from about the age of 13 to this past March at the age of 45. I met my wife and she grew up in charismatic churches and made me go to these loud narcissistic churches and I hated it. I seethed in anger during praise and worship. I told her these songs could be about a girlfriend, I would read books on my phone during church and I thought it was that I no longer believed or had the ability to be a Christian. Then last year when I was working from home a video was placed in my suggestions and it was Justin Peters, I guess I’d started questioning things from reading Babylon Bee and it lead me to Brother Peters. And down the Rabbit hole I went, each video led me to another great discerning pastor, men that had been there the entire time, I felt so upset realizing i did t find RC till after he’d passed. Also at the same time my best friends dad who had been a Chaplin in the navy was starting Bible study. He had fallen away from Jesus himself and like me had lots of doubts. Both of us talked about converting to the Catholic Church, we agreed that at least we knew they weren’t trying to fleece us with seed offerings. But we kind of jump started each other’s faith. I almost cry every time I share this, it was there the whole time and I went over 30 years in a theological wilderness. So to get to the point and the part of your story that i identified with the most was when you went back to your church with this great news and they were not wanting to hear it and were mad at you. I thought when I explained this to my wife she’d be as excited as me, that we aren’t less worthy as those perfect acting pastors and church members, it’s not our lack of faith to why our loved ones don’t heal or that being blessed isn’t a perfectly healed body and expensive things. But boy was I wrong. It’s still a big issues with us. I bought a copy of American Gospel thinking no sane person can watch this and not have their mind changed. She refused to watch it after the Todd White part. If you can give me some advice on how to talk to her about this I’d appreciate it. Your the only person that’s made this conversion that I’ve listened to that talked about being excited to share the true good news and being met with contempt. Bless you my brother in Christ.
    B. Quincy Bailey

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