A Course In Eschatology

As an amazing gift to the wider Body of Christ, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary are very kindly and generously making their entire 17 course lectures on eschatology available free of charge online. This course, taught by Dr. Sam Waldron, is outstanding, giving a comprehensive overview of the subject from both an historical and theological perspective. I recommend the series wholeheartedly and pray that God will use it to further the cause of His truth in the midst of much deception in our own day. – Pastor John Samson, King’s Church, Peoria, AZ

The first three lectures cover something of an historical overview of the Church concerning eschatology. This is a very helpful foundation for our understanding. To know that we are engaging in a conversation that has been going on for centuries, gives us a knowledge of the structure of the debate, setting the boundaries for what is and what is not to be regarded as ‘heresy’, as well as a right and appropriate sense of humility as we approach the Scriptures ourselves.

Lecturer: Dr. Sam Waldron is the academic dean of MCTS and professor of Systematic Theology. He is also one of the pastors of Heritage Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY. Dr. Waldron received a B.A. from Cornerstone University, an M.Div. from Trinity Ministerial Academy, a Th.M. from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. From 1977 to 2001 he was a pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids, MI. Dr. Waldron is the author of numerous books including A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, The End Times Made Simple, Baptist Roots in America, To Be Continued?, and MacArthur’s Millennial Manifesto: A Friendly Response. Dr. Waldron is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

This treatment of eschatology examines eschatological thought in Church history, as well as the major structural considerations for an understanding of redemptive history (including the already/not yet, the kingdom of God, and the millennium). Finally, special questions are treated, including issues such as the gospel age, the imminence of Christ’s second coming, the resurrection, and the eternal state.


Part 1: Historical Introductions

Section 1: Eschatology in the Early and Medieval Church

Section 2: Eschatology in the Reformation and Modern Church

Part 2: Structural Considerations

1: The Two Ages
Section 2: The General Judgment

Section 3: The Eschatological Kingdom

Part 3: Special Questions

Section 1: The Gospel Age
I. The Intermediate State
II. The Earthly Prospects
III. The Church/Israel Distinction

Section 2: The Imminent Return
I. Pre-Tribulationism
II. Date-setting (or Calculationism)
III. (Hyper) Preterism

Section 3: The Bodily Resurrection
I. Of the Wicked [The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment]
II. Of the Righteous [The Doctrine of the Redeemed Earth]


Lecture 1: Eschatology in the Early and Medieval Church

ST27 01 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 2:

ST27 02 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 3: Eschatology in the Reformation and Modern Church

ST27 03 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.


Lecture 4: The Two Ages

ST27 04 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 5: The Two Ages (Continued)

ST27 05 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 6: The General Judgment

Lecture 7: The Eschatological Kingdom

ST27 07 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 8: The Eschatological Kingdom (Continued)

ST27 08 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 9: The Eschatological Kingdom (Continued)

ST27 09 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 10: The Eschatological Kingdom (Continued)

ST27 10 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.


Lecture 11: The Intermediate State

ST27 11 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 12:

ST27 12 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 13: The Earthly Prospects & Church/Israel Distinction

The Imminent Return Lecture 14: Pre-Tribulationism
Lecture 15: Hyper-Preterism

ST27 15 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 16: The Final Change & The Eternal State—The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment

ST27 16 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.

Lecture 17: The Doctrine of the Redeemed Earth

ST27 17 | Doctrine of Last Things from CBTS on Vimeo.