‘Simply Trinity’ Resources

Matthew Barrett writes: It will take a team effort to find our way home to trinitarian orthodoxy. With the release of Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (Baler), I sat down with with 12 fellow theologians and together we provided a road map. Here are all 12 Trinity Talks:

1. Trinity Drift and Evangelicalism with Thomas Kidd

2. Can We Trust the God of Our Fathers? with James Eglinton

3. Since When Did the Trinity Go Social? with Craig Carter

4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Trinity: Fred Sanders, Matthew Barrett, and the Dangers of Conflation

5. Why Must God be One to be Three? Divine Simplicity with Matthew Levering

6. What is Eternal Generation? with J.V. Fesko

7. Is Eternal Generation Essential to the Gospel? with Charles Lee Irons

8. Does Eternal Subordination Compromise Biblical Orthodoxy? with Liam Goligher

9. Why Should Evangelicals Reject the Eternal Subordination of the Son? with Michael Bird

10. Confessing the Holy Spirit in an Age of Biblicism with Michael Haykin

11. Does the Trinity Work Inseparably? with Ryan Hurd

12. Can We Have Communion with the Trinity? with Kelly Kapic

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