Evolution Refuted By Science

Two scientific facts that totally refute evolution:

(1) Life has never been observed to come from non life

(2) There is no known observable process by which new genetic information can be added to the genetic code of an organism

When the findings of science ever dispute or contradict those two facts, evolutionists can come back into the discussion. Until then, evolution is just a religion. Please don’t call it “science.”

One thought on “Evolution Refuted By Science

  1. You are correct about evolution (or evil-lution as I call it). I watched a BBC documentary on the Galapagos Islands. These are the Islands where Darwin did his studies and, as a result, published his “Origin of the Species”. The BBC were taking great pains to point this out and seemed to be boasting that this theory was the truth.

    However, as I watched it struck me that although there was clear evidence of “adaption within a kind” there was NO evidence of one kind changing into another. For example, tortoises adapted to their feeding environment, on one island they needed long necks to reach their food, on another island they didn’t because the food was on the ground – the same priniciple applied to marine iguanas and land iguanas. BUT, there was not one shred of evidence that an iguana changed into a tortoise, or a tortoise into a bird and so on.

    I just thought you may find the above helpful.

    Kind regards


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