Miscellaneous Quotes (94)

quotes“Aid is just a stopgap. Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism take more people out of poverty than aid. Everyone understands that.” – Bono

“Where Adam collapsed, Jesus conquered. Where Adam compromised, Jesus refused to negotiate… The second Adam triumphed for Himself and for us.” – R.C. Sproul

“If we could lose our salvation, we would.” – John MacArthur

“When death becomes the property of the believer it receives a new name and is called sleep.” – William Arnot

“Let me appeal personally to you in an interrogatory style, for this has weight with it. Sinner! why art thou at enmity with God? God is the God of love; he is kind to his creatures; he regards you with his love of benevolence; for this very day his sun hath shone upon you, this day you have had food and raiment, and you have come up here in health and strength. Do you hate God because he loves you? Is that the reason? Consider how many mercies you have received at his hands all your lives long! You are born with a body not deformed; you have had a tolerable share of health; you have been recovered many times from sickness; when lying at the gates of death; his arm has held back your soul from the last step to destruction. Do you hate God for all this? Do you hate him because he spared your life by his tender mercy? Behold his goodness that he hath spread before you! He might have sent you to hell; but you are here. Now, do you hate God for sparing you? Oh, wherefore art thou at enmity with him? My fellow creature, dost thou not know that God sent his Son from his bosom, hung him on the tree, and there suffered him to die for sinners, the just for the unjust? and dost thou hate God for that? Oh, sinner, is this the cause of thine enmity? Art thou so estranged that thou givest enmity for love? And when he surroundeth thee with favors, girdeth thee with mercies, encircleth thee with loving kindness, dost thou hate him for this? He might say as Jesus did to the Jews: “For which of these works do ye stone me?” For which of these works do ye hate God? Did an earthly benefactor feed you, would you hate him? Did he clothe you, would you abuse him to his face? Did he give you talents, would you turn those powers against him? Oh, speak! Would you forge the iron and strike the dagger into the heart of your best friend? Do you hate your mother who nursed you on her knee? Do you curse your father who so wisely watched over you? Nay, ye say, we have some little gratitude towards earthly relatives. Where are your hearts, then? Where are your hearts, that ye can still despise God, and be at enmity with him? Oh! diabolical crime! Oh! satanic enormity! Oh! iniquity for which words fail in description! to hate the all-lovely—to despise the essentially good—to abhor the constantly merciful—to spurn the ever-beneficent—to scorn the kind, the gracious one; above all, to hate the God who sent his Son to die for man! Ah! in that thought—“the carnal mind is enmity against God,”—there is something which may make us shake; for it is a terrible sin to be at enmity with God. I would I could speak more powerfully, but my Master alone can impress upon you the enormous evil of this horrid state of heart.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“I have been persuaded, and I remain convinced, that neither death, nor the complications that often arise in life, nor powerful angelic beings, nor even an entire group of high-ranking demonic spirits, nor anything that currently exists, nor anything that could potentially happen in the future, nor any political power, nor anything in the highest heavens, nor anything that resides in the deepest depths, nor anything that has ever been created is capable of disconnecting us from the love of God or of putting any distance between us and the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” – an interpretive translation of Romans 8:38,39, by Rick Renner

“It must not be expected that the devil will let those rest who are laboring to destroy his kingdom.” – Thomas Watson

“Hope is nothing less than the firm expectation of the things that faith believes to be truthfully promised by God.” – John Calvin

“The saints prove their conversion by their perseverance, and that perseverance comes from a continual supply of divine grace to their souls.” C. H. Spurgeon

“Jesus was not revolutionary because he said we should love God and each other. Moses said that first. So did Buddha, Confucius, and countless other religious leaders we’ve never heard of. Madonna, Oprah, Dr. Phil, the Dali Lama, and probably a lot of Christian leaders will tell us that the point of religion is to get us to love each other. “God loves you” doesn’t stir the world’s opposition. However, start talking about God’s absolute authority, holiness, Christ’s substitutionary atonement, justification by faith apart from works, the necessity of new birth, repentance, baptism, Communion, and the future judgment, and the mood in the room changes considerably.” – Michael Horton

“‘But how can I make a melody in my heart?’ asks somebody. ‘I don’t feel like singing.’ My dear friend, consider Him till you do!” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones (singing to the Lord)

“I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“There are some of your graces which would never be discovered if it were not for your trials.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“To will is of nature, but to will aright is of grace.” – Augustine

“Greater than God calling light into being, is His causing gospel-light to shine into the darkened hearts of men.” – Steve Lawson

“The devil himself cannot invent a temptation which is not met in these pages; and all the devils in hell together, if they were to hold parliament, and to call in the aid of all bad men, could not invent a device which is not met by this matchless library of truth.” – C.H. Spurgeon

“If you say to me, ‘Is it fair that the sin of Adam should be imputed to me?’ I will reply by asking, ‘Is it fair that the righteousness of Christ should be imputed to you?'” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“If I did not offend the world, I should have cause to fear that what I have done is displeasing to God.” – Martin Luther

“Free will without God’s grace is not free will at all, but is the permanent prisoner and bondslave of evil, since it cannot turn itself to good.” – Martin Luther

“God foreknows nothing by contingency, but that He foresees, purposes, and does all things according to His immutable, eternal, and infallible will. By this thunderbolt, ‘Free-will’ is thrown prostrate, and utterly dashed to pieces.” – Martin Luther

“Whilst a man is persuaded that he has it in his power to contribute anything, be it ever so little, to his salvation, he remains in carnal self-confidence; he is not a self-despairer, and therefore is not duly humbled before God, he believes he may lend a helping hand in his salvation, but on the contrary, whoever is truly convinced that the whole work depends singly on the will of God, such a person renounces his own will and strength; he waits and prays for the operation of God, nor waits and prays in vain…” – Martin Luther

“The inner man cannot be forced to do out of his own free will, what he should do, except the grace of God change the heart and make it willing.” – Martin Luther

“I frankly confess that, for myself, even if it could be, I should not want “free-will” to be given me, nor anything to be left in my own hands to enable me to endeavour after salvation; not merely because in face of so many dangers, and adversities and assaults of devils, I could not stand my ground ; but because even were there no dangers. I should still be forced to labour with no guarantee of success.¦ But now that God has taken my salvation out of the control of my own will, and put it under the control of His, and promised to save me, not according to my working or running, but according to His own grace and mercy, I have the comfortable certainty that He is faithful and will not lie to me, and that He is also great and powerful, so that no devils or opposition can break Him or pluck me from Him. Furthermore, I have the comfortable certainty that I please God, not by reason of the merit of my works, but by reason of His merciful favour promised to me; so that, if I work too little, or badly, He does not impute it to me, but with fatherly compassion pardons me and makes me better. This is the glorying of all the saints in their God.” – Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will (Grand Rapids: Revell, 1957), 313-314.

“Lust is about satisfaction. Love is about sacrificing, serving, surrendering, sharing, supporting, and even suffering for others. Most love songs are actually lust songs.” – Rick Warren

“Let no one seek confidence in his own election of God anywhere else than ‘in Christ.'” – John Calvin

“This one word “grace” contains within itself the whole of New Testament theology.” – J.I. Packer

“Hell is the highest reward that the devil can offer you for being a servant of his.” – Billy Sunday

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the terrible things God has prepared for those that hate Him.” – Charles Spurgeon

“We cannot find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a police officer.” – Michael Horton

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