Only Love Can Drive Out Hate

DemariBy Demari James Thompson

I want to tell you all a story. When I was 16 years old, my mother dropped me off at a rehearsal early. So early that no one else was there yet and the building was locked. So I sat outside, put my stuff down shake the officers hand and say, “hello officer”. The cops entire body shifted from defensive to calm. He smiled and shook my hand. He then informed me that Someone had called the police saying there was a young black man loitering and acting strange infront of her workplace and she was scared.

Unbeknownst to me, there was a janitor inside cleaning. A little white lady. She was the one who called the police. After I explained to the officer what I was doing there and pointed to my picture on the wall through the window to help prove my story and directed his attention to my shirt which had the name of said theatre on it, he then knocked on the window and asked the lady to come out. She did. Once the officer and I explained the situation, she apologized and gave me a hug. The office shook both of our hands and went on with his day. The lady even allowed me to wait inside with her so that I would not be in the heat.

This entire situation could have ended very badly had I gotten defensive when seeing the cop approach me, but instead, I chose to show him the respect he deserved.
Racism is real, but we can’t fight it with violence and riots. We fight it with education, love, respect, and Kindness.

“Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that!” -MLK

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