Friday Round Up

(1) Does the Doctrine of Unconditional election make God a “respecter of persons”? My friend John Hendryx of writes, “The charge we often hear from those who reject God’s unconditional election is that it makes God a respecter of persons. As is the case with most protests against unconditional election it is important to point out that this is a moral rather than exegetical argument. And if this is the basis for their rejecting the doctrine of salvation by grace ALONE, rather than appealing directly to the Scriptures which repeatedly declare unconditional election (Eph 1:3,4; Rom 9), then one is basing their theological future on shaky ground… Nonetheless I still think it is important to face up to this charge to see if it has any validity. To do this we need to understand how the Bible uses the concept of “respecter of persons” and then let it interpret itself as to what it actually means, and then determine whether or not God would be guilty of it if unconditional election were true. Below is a wide sampling of its occurrence in the Scripture: More here.

(2) There’s an interesting selection of resources in this week’s Friday Ligonier $5 sale! The “Willing to Believe” Conference Series is highly recommended. Check out today’s $5 sale here.

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