At a recent gathering of book retailers and authors called ICRS (International Christian Retail Show), Crossway hosted a banquet for authors, retailers, and others. The keynote address at this banquet was given by John Piper.
Dr. Piper spends the first 15 minutes reflecting on the 400th anniversary of the KJV and its descendents in the RSV and ESV, as well as, humanly speaking, the enormous debt all of us in the English speaking world owe to William Tyndale. In the last 15 minutes John Piper presents seven reasons why the Bible is of infinite value.
This will do your heart good.
John Piper: Keynote Address at Crossway Banquet, ICRS 2011 from Crossway on Vimeo.
HT: Dane Ortlund
For putting this on thank you John and For REV Piper for this Sharing this Knowledge